    Do you want to exploit a water resource? Do you have a bottling project? Is water used in your industrial process or on a farm, or do you aim to supply drinking water to a community? BRGM offers its support for identifying and characterising water resources with tools adapted to your needs to monitor the evolution of the resource.

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    Water borehole

    Water borehole in Jordan.

    © BRGM

    Your challenges and needs

    In response to societal and environmental challenges, water policies are built around groundwater resource management. The consequences of climate change and the increasing need for water require sufficient knowledge to preserve and sustainably use the resources.

    In this changing economic context, it is essential to identify and evaluate water resources, using appropriate prospecting and characterisation techniques. Whatever its intended use (whether for drinking, industry, irrigation or leisure), the resource must be developed as part of an integrated approach, respectful of the environment, the issues at stake and the regulatory constraints. It requires a precise assessment of the volumes that can be exploited and the quality of the resource.

    Before investing in one or more water boreholes, it is necessary to assess whether the resource will meet your needs. Where to drill? To what depth? What is the potential of the aquifer(s) and what are the demands made on the resource? What water quality can be expected and what are the risks of it being polluted? What means should be implemented to protect, preserve and exploit it?

    All these questions can be answered by a relevant characterisation of the resource and the implementation of specific tools.

    A multidisciplinary approach for characterising and modelling water resources

    A multidisciplinary approach for characterising and modelling water resources.

    © BRGM

    Our added value

    BRGM can provide you with locally-based interdisciplinary teams specialised in geology, geophysics, hydrogeology, geochemistry and modelling through a regional network and international representatives. BRGM has worked for the French government for more than 50 years in implementing public groundwater policies. It is specialised in the exploration, assessment and sustainable management of water resources in metropolitan France, its overseas territories and other countries around the world. Our researchers, engineers and technicians will accompany you through the various stages of your project with methods adapted to your needs.

    To investigate and characterise the water resource by:

    • prospecting and identifying favourable areas by geophysical studies, remote sensing and field investigations;
    • investigating various surface or underground formations, whatever the domain: sedimentary, volcanic or granitic rock;
    • determining the hydrodynamic properties of aquifers (depth, porosity, permeability, etc.) by implementing and interpreting specific tests (tracing, test pumping, evaluation of exploitable flows);

    To ensure efficient operation with limited impact on the resource by:

    • on-the-spot assistance for optimising the implementation and monitoring of boreholes;
    • predicting the hydrogeological balance of groundwater flows and in particular the controlled recharge of aquifers, which involves:
      • an assessment of interference with watercourses, wetlands, nearby wells;
      • mapping of pollution-prone areas;
    • analysing the evolution of water needs for different uses and comparing alternative solutions;
    • analysing the sustainability of the resource, taking into account the evolution of the aquifer's properties and external constraints (increased urbanisation, impact of climate change, etc.);
    • the development of predictive models to anticipate medium-term (seasonal) and long-term (impact of climate change) changes in groundwater resources.

    Technical and digital facilities

    • National databases on the subsurface and water, available via the BRGM sites (BSS; SIGES, BDLISA, ADES, etc.)
    • COFRAC-certified laboratory for physico-chemical analysis of water since 1994
    • Geophysical platforms: airborne (R’GEOPHY) and ground-based (TER'GEOPHY)
    • GARDENIA for global modelling and recharge estimation; TIGRE for interference between wells; MARTHE for 3D modelling of aquifers (flows, pollution):
    • Tools for the interpretation of OUAIP test pumpings; TRAC tracings; drilling declarations via the DUPLOS portal associated with the DIALOG technical description application; ZAPPEL for protection perimeters
    • Predictive tool for the evolution of aquifers: MétéEAU Nappes

    A few references

    • Prospecting and studies of thermal-mineral water resources for major French and international food groups 
    • Preservation and protection of groundwater resources in different regions (PRESCRIRE project: RP-63164-FR)
    • Public water supply in France and abroad (reports RP61051-FR, RP-70314-FR)
    Trial pumping in a borehole, Jordan
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