Suricate-Nat intercepts key words (earthquake, flood, place names, etc.) used in tweets to pinpoint risk situations.
Exploring the subsoil in search of new mineral and energy resources, creating processes to recover raw and secondary materials, determining groundwater reserves and the state of soils affected by human activities and assessing natural risks linked to the subsoil and climate change are all major examples of BRGM activities, for which it needs to reinvent itself on an ongoing basis through innovation.
BRGM innovations are generally based on new tools, which it uses to improve its ability to fulfil its roles in the area of geosciences. These are often technological and methodological products for acquiring environmental data which undergo expert processing so that they can then be put to practical use by end users. New service concepts are also frequently based on these products.
Generating value from research: a project maturing process
BRGM has a specific support budget and a pre-maturation/maturation process included in its quality management system. This ensures that any innovation project is dealt with rigorously.
The purpose of this process is to set out a roadmap for all applied research projects in order to assess their economic potential from the outset, then to format them to achieve a successful outcome in the form of a patent, a start-up, a subsidiary, a new in-house service or the creation of a production activity in partnership with an economic player. This maturing process selects small-scale pilot projects and instils an intrapreneurial or entrepreneurial approach in all the others to optimise the value they generate.
The BRGM Development Department has a team dedicated to detecting innovation topics, conducting market surveys when appropriate and developing their future economic use. A specific methodology has been set up for this purpose, which first establishes the value proposed for the solution before determining the business model and finally preparing a business plan. This approach is designed to strengthen value creation and now applies to all matters pertaining to BRGM’s new scientific strategy.
Successful or ongoing transfers
HighTex, a digital services project for tracking, qualifying and assessing the recovery and use of excavated earth, has led to the establishment of an activity within Soltracing (Hesus group) with an equity investment by Sageos, the holding company for BRGM subsidiaries.
The SEMS project for developing an electromagnetic measurement system on a light airborne carrier (helicopter or drone) is being demonstrated with a prototype to support the establishment of a service activity with partner SMEs (NERYS and ICARE Aeronautics).
MétéEAU Nappes, a data banking and forecasting system for underground water resources, is currently being set up in companies and local authorities.
Magdrone, a solution for correcting data from terrestrial magnetic measurements made by a light airborne carrier, has led to the sale of a licence to the SME named InfoGéo.
Some twenty innovation projects under review or transfer
- SEMS: Miniaturised active electromagnetic measurement (transmission/reception) for field and light airborne applications
- Cargo - RGA: Clay shrinking and swelling detection technology: determining the services to be developed
- MétéEAU Nappes: A prediction tool and platform for access to data on groundwater levels in water tables
- Magdrone: Development of data processing for magnetic measurements in light airborne carriers with the SME named InfoGéo
- CO2 Dissolved: Technology for injecting CO2 into a geothermal doublet: determining the industrial development partnership
- Suricate-Nat: Using social media for crisis management in natural disasters
- Natural Asbestos: Know-how for assessing the geological susceptibility of natural asbestos emissions and developing suitable analytical methods: positioning of scientific platform services in the value chain and their economic development
- Panache: 3D and dynamic representation of volcanic plumes by satellite image interferometry: market and transfer
- CALICO: Layered Double Hydroxide CO2 capture technology: value proposal for development in an industrial partnership
- Urban Mine Platform: Operation of a database on raw material flows for vehicles, batteries and WEEE (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment)
- Citizen Coop: An exchange and participation platform to facilitate dialogue during a mineral resource development project: building the value proposal and business model
- WaterSed: Modelling and simulation of soil erosion phenomena: generating value using a software tool and the related know-how
- TRAC: Methodology to assist in plotting water tables: generating value using a software tool and the related know-how in the form of a platform
- IronBiox: Ferric iron production biotechnology for uranium ore processing: technology transfer and engineering service
- AVANGEO: An on-demand geological information service for tourism
- Interactive 3D: A dynamic representation technique for contextual data (submergence level, surface topology of geological strata, etc.)
- DIY sensors: An inexpensive terrain image capturing device
- I2D2: Software for automating sample preparation and analysis steps by means of U-(Th)-Pb dating on zircon or monazite by laser ablation coupling
- Zeb2Web: Converting point clouds into spatial cavity data to be provided by a web service
- SaTerRe: An interactive GIS to facilitate participatory appropriation of an urban development plan (serious game)
- AGREGA: A serious game to reconcile the expectations of socio-economic players regarding the exploitation of local mineral resources
- Coastal risks: Expertise in natural coastal hazards
Researchers also need to become in-house entrepreneurs. How to raise awareness of innovation How to know your market better before launching a project How to stand out from the others This approach is designed to improve value creation at BRGM.
4 or 5 patent applications filed on average every year
In the area of industrial property, BRGM maintains an annual rate of 4 or 5 priority patent applications and files 5 to 10 patents in total, including extensions.
These technologies are available under licence or in partnership.
Patents in force at BRGM
Titre | Description | Date de dépôt | Numéro de dépôt |
SIMULECOUL | A system for characterising pollutant pumping in a porous medium. | 23/07/2020 | FR 20 07763 |
RECHARGE ARTIF (ARTIFICIAL CHARGING) | A design process for an artificial recharging source. | 29/04/2020 | FR 20 04284 |
GYPS_SEQUESTRATION CO2 | A process for absorbing atmospheric carbon dioxide by treating a phosphate ore. | 07/04/2020 | FR 20 03466 |
LONGUE ELECTRODE | An algorithm for calculating the distribution of electric current in a long DC or AC electrode. | 09/10/2019 | FR 19 11210 |
IRIS BETON (IRIS CONCRETE) | Development of an electrochemical system to detect the corrosion rates of reinforcing steel and to diagnose reinforced concrete structures. | 25/07/2019 | EP 19 188 380.0 |
ADULAIRES | A process for extracting a mineral from biotites. | 08/07/2019 | FR 19 07628 |
NAVITRAF | An assisted mobility system and process for an all-terrain vehicle. | 15/05/2019 | FR 19 05064 |
CALICE nano | A process for obtaining carbon-coated mineral (nano)particles. | 25/01/2018 | FR 18 50596 |
CALICE | A process and system for electrolysis-assisted capture and/or release of anionic species. | 25/01/2018 | FR 18 50597 |
SELECO2 | A system for generating and storing electrical energy by means of a thermal doublet. | 02/10/2015 | FR 15 59374 |
EMFI | An electromagnetic probe device for measuring permittivity (clays, water, salinity). | 10/09/2015 | FR 15 58423 |
Environmental Imager | An image acquisition system for implementing time-lapse sequences for remote environmental and urban monitoring. | 19/05/2015 | FR 15 54453 |
Bathysat | A method for determining bathymetry from quasi-synchronous optical satellite images. | 20/02/2015 | FR 15 51468 |
REMETOX | A process for recycling waste electrical and electronic equipment. | 23/12/2014 | FR 14 63195 |
CARGO | A process for detecting swelling clays in a sedimentary basin by means of spectrometric measurements. | 11/12/2014 | FR 14 62241 |
VALOPLUS | A process for recycling luminescent powders (low-energy light bulbs). | 10/07/2014 | FR 14 56670 |
THERMOLI - (Lithium Extraction) | A process for extracting lithium by evaporation. | 21/03/2014 | FR 14 52368 |
Silicon carbide | A diffusive thermal storage device using silicon carbide. | 14/03/2014 | FR 14 52149 |
Polarisation provoquée R2M | A distributed survey system for obtaining underground electrical characteristics and a distributed survey method using the same. | 04/02/2014 | 2014WO-JP00574 |
Geothermal Doublet - Energy Storage | A system for generating and storing electrical energy by means of a thermal doublet. | 06/08/2013 | FR 13 57827 |
Mineral CO2 well 1 - carbonate sector | A process for absorbing atmospheric carbon dioxide. | 03/12/2012 | FR 12 61556 |
Mineral CO2 well 2 - salts sector | A process for absorbing atmospheric carbon dioxide. | 03/12/2012 | FR 12 61557 |
Fluidogaz (formerly GazoGaz) | A device for sampling at depth. This tool is used to take water samples from boreholes and/or deep piezometers (up to 1000 m). | 28/09/2012 | FR 12 59214 |
Calcined alumina | A shallow underground out-of-water thermal storage device. | 10/09/2012 | FR 12 58452 |
CHARCO | A process for preparing a coal core for physical-chemical analysis. | 08/12/2009 | FR 09 05934 |
CO2 capture by mixed oxides | A process for capturing, separating and purifying gases by means of amorphous mixed oxides. | 17/06/2009 | FR 09 02940 |
ARSENIC WASTE STABILISATION | A process for the biological treatment of arsenic waste from acidic effluent treatment. | 09/12/2008 | FR 08 06897 |
CLINKER | Integration of an innovative CO2 capture process in clinker production plants. | 14/09/2007 | FR 07 06451 |
DE-ACIDIFICATION OF NATURAL GAS WITH LDHs | A natural gas de-acidification process using layered double hydroxides. | 15/05/2007 | FR 07 03551 |
LDH GAS ADSORPTION | A process for capturing, separating and purifying gases using layered double hydroxides. Direct pollution control applications. | 18/11/2005 | FR 05 11687 |
LDH SYNTHESIS | An aqueous phase process for synthesising layered double hydroxide compounds. | 25/02/2005 | FR 05 01948 |
VISIOFLOC | A submerged video system for capturing the movement of particles in a fluid in settling tanks. Used for recycling washing water from the mineral industry or for wastewater treatment, where solid particles have to be separated from the liquid to be recycled. | 11/02/2005 | FR 05 03438 |
RADON | A device for continuous in-situ measurement of the flow parameters of a gas emanating from the ground which is difficult to detect because of the low flow rates released. The principle is to monitor tracers, such as radon (a noble gas), associated with the gases to be measured. | 28/12/2004 | FR 04 13988 |
PHENOL BIODEGRADATION – BIOPHON | A process for biotechnological decontamination of phenol-containing foundry sands. | 23/02/2004 | FR 04 01778 |
LDH | An industrial waste pre-stabilisation process. | 21/11/2003 | FR 03 13647 |
SEEDING PROCESS – BIOPHON | A method for seeding foundry sand containing biodegradable materials by means of micro-organisms. | 25/09/2002 | FR 02 11836 |
Scientific resources: technological platforms for innovation
TInnov: BRGM's innovation event
The TInnov event, BRGM's open innovation day, is an annual meeting for thinking up the services of the future. A day of presentations and creative workshops to think up ideas for the services of the future.
The principle is that over a whole day, through two creative workshop sessions, the participants think up ideas for the services of the future using BRGM databases.
Have you got lots of ideas and would you like to help design the geoscience services of the future? Join the TInnov movement!
A look back at TInnov first editions
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