According to Article L 300-2 of the CRPA, all documents produced or received by BRGM in the context of its public service missions, regardless of their date, place of storage or medium, are "administrative documents".
This includes in particular:
- paper documents,
- documents on electronic media,
- data and databases,
- source codes,
- etc.
The PRADA examines requests for access to administrative documents held by BRGM, requests for re-use of public information held by the establishment, and any other request falling within the scope of its missions, in conjunction with the relevant departments within BRGM.
The PRADA is also responsible for controlling access to environmental information in accordance with the Environmental Code.
Contact BRGM's PRADA
You can send your request to BRGM’s PRADA, by post, téléphone or e-mail, at the following addresses:
Samuel Le Bideau
General Secretariat / PRADA
3 avenue Claude-Guillemin - BP 36009
45060 Orléans Cedex 2
Tel.: +33 (0)2 38 64 34 34
Email :