BRGM aims to be an inclusive organisation and undertakes to facilitate access to the content on its website for all audiences, particularly people with disabilities.

Accessibility declaration

BRGM undertakes to make its internet, intranet and extranet sites and its software packages accessible (along with its mobile apps and digital street furniture), in accordance with Article 47 of Act no. 2005-102 of 11 February 2005.

Different ways to browse the website 

Personalisation via the Accessibility menu 

The "Accessibility" menu available in the top left corner of each page, allows you to customise the website according to your needs: 

  • Increase or decrease the font size. 
  • Modify the contrast levels on the website to make them more marked. 

Keyboard navigation 

The website allows you to use the keyboard to browse the content. 

If you press the TAB key when you first arrive on a page, you can then go directly to the page content by hitting the ENTER or SPACE key. 

If you continue your navigation using the TAB key, you are then directed to the different menus, which you can open (and close) by pressing the ENTER or SPACE key. 

On some pages, accordion menus are used to display and hide certain content. They are also opened and closed using the ENTER or SPACE key. 

Organisation of the website 

Main navigation menu 

The website's main navigation menu has the following sections: 

  • Challenges 
  • Activities 
  • Become a partner or customer 
  • Identity 
  • Results and data 
  • In France and worldwide
  • News 
  • Events 
  • Discovering the Earth Sciences 
  • Jobs and careers
  • BRGM Publications
  • Newsletter
  • Contacts 

Each of these sections can be accessed via the main navigation menu, which can be opened using the "Menu" button available in the top right corner of the page (or by pressing the ENTER or SPACE key if you are using keyboard navigation). 

"I am" menu 

An "I am" menu is available in addition to the main menu. This allows you to choose your profile among the following possibilities: 

  • Public partner, local authority 
  • Company 
  • Researcher 
  • Student 
  • Teacher, pupil 
  • Journalist 
  • Association, citizen 

When you click on a profile, a list of relevant links is displayed below. 

Search with autocomplete function 

A search engine allows you to look for content on the site. The search field has an autocomplete function that suggests relevant content based on the keywords you enter. 

The "BRGM on the web" menu 

The "BRGM on the web" menu provides access to a selection of other websites published by BRGM. 

Changing language 

The website is available in two languages (French and English). You can select your language in the top left corner of each page. 

Breadcrumb trail 

Every page, except the home page, has a breadcrumb trail displayed above the main content. This tells you the name of the page you are on and allows you to go back to the previous level of navigation. 

Content accessibility 

Alternative texts and media transcripts 

All the main pictures on the website have a text alternative, so that you can understand the content if you cannot see it. 

BRGM is also working on providing transcripts of all its videos. When they become available, the transcripts will be placed below the video, in an accordion system that opens up. 


You can also navigate through the forms on the website using a keyboard. Each field is linked to an explanatory description. 

Background video

When a background video is present, it can be stopped if necessary using the PLAY/PAUSE button on the bottom right.