The goods and services procured annually by BRGM amount to about €50M, or 35% of its expenditure. They are therefore one of the institution’s main levers for cost control and financial performance, which are major areas in its strategy.
Purchasing in accordance with the French Public Procurement Code
BRGM's purchasing complies with the legal requirements on public procurement (the French Public Procurement Code framed in Ordinance No. 2018-1074 of 26 November, 2018, and Decree No. 2018-1075 of 3 December, 2018).
All suppliers benefit from equal treatment. Competitive tendering and the objective selection of suppliers are a regulatory requirement, a way of ensuring BRGM makes the best choices financially, and a guarantee for prospective suppliers as regards process.
As part of this, BRGM has set up:
- a contract approval procedure developed by the French government’s supervisory agency for public-sector companies and institutions, which supervises the business activities and financial management of over 400 public bodies. Its purpose is to analyse the risks and assess the performance of these companies and organisations, while protecting the State's financial interests;
- an internal procurement board, whose objectives are to ensure that BRGM's purchasing procedures apply the principles set out in its purchasing policy and comply with relevant laws and regulations.
12 procurement categories
Our needs are permanent, varied and evolving. Find out more about our 12 procurement categories:
- Technical procurement (linked to BRGM's core business): analyses, drilling, equipment rental, technical equipment, provision of services in our geosciences-related areas of activity, etc.
- Insurance.
- Buildings and related services: works, removals, water and energy, furniture, postal services, catering, etc.
- Communications and marketing: publications, the purchasing of advertising space, events, etc.
- Vehicle fleet: vehicles and their associated costs, fuel, etc.
- Supplies.
- IT and telecoms.
- Services: maintenance, documentation, etc.
- Professional services.
- Human resources.
- Transport.
- Travel.
Key figures for 2021
36.00%of CSR clauses in our contracts
63.50M€on purchases (excluding tax)
A procurement policy based on five key pillars
Developing relations with suppliers
- Developing a good understanding of markets, sourcing, and our supplier base:
- Strengthening BRGM’s attractiveness to suppliers in the market.
- Monitoring the opportunities offered by suppliers in the market and developing commercial relationships with them.
- Encouraging innovative proposals from suppliers.
- Monitoring supplier operational performance and conducting supplier evaluation campaigns.
Improving BRGM's financial performance
- Specifying users’ needs clearly, in terms of the functionalities and required performance, while also integrating market standards.
- Optimising costs by making use of all available procurement levers (negotiation, globalisation, standardisation, rationalisation, full-cost approach, etc.).
- Stimulating competition by adopting an appropriate lotting strategy.
- Selecting the best offer using relevant criteria that have been clearly defined before the call for tenders.
- Improving purchasing and supply processes and reducing administrative costs, by pursuing broad dematerialisation, in compliance with regulatory requirements.
Contributing to the success of BRGM's CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) policy through a responsible procurement policy
- Having regard to sustainable development throughout the life cycle of the purchase.
- Limiting ecological footprint by reducing the environmental impact of supplies, works or services procured.
- Selecting and managing suppliers in a socially responsible way.
- Encouraging solidarity in procurement by increasing the share of purchasing from sheltered or adapted employment sectors, and those that promote access to the job market and fair-trade suppliers; and by reserving a portion of expenditure for purchasing that promotes solidarity and encouraging global suppliers to do the same.
- Raising awareness among suppliers of their responsibilities, encouraging them to integrate sustainable development objectives into their activities and draw on their capacity to innovate to achieve them – in particular by applying CSR criteria in supplier selection and CSR clauses in contracts.
Ensuring compliance with public-procurement requirements
- Open competition and the equal treatment of suppliers.
- Transparency throughout the procurement process.
- Confidentiality of information.
- Efficiency in calls for tenders.
- Development of fair, balanced and responsible commercial relations.
Controlling risks associated with procurement
- Contracts that secure BRGM’s interests by creating clear obligations for the parties involved, and which, in particular, ensure levels of operational performance that meet users' expectations.
- The capacity to monitor the economic and financial health of suppliers.
- The capacity to assure compliance with regulatory requirements (or more broadly compliance with standards and norms) such as due diligence requirements and the SAPIN II anti-corruption measures.
- The capacity to track responsible purchasing using indicators such as the number of CSR-related clauses or criteria in contracts; or the proportion of SMEs, EIs (companies that help people enter the job market), EAs and ESATs (adapted and sheltered employment companies) that can bid for our contracts.
Responding to our calls for tenders
If you want to respond to the calls for tenders issued by BRGM that are detailed in the table below, you can download all relevant documents concerning commercial calls for tenders, which are available online free of charge.
To do this, you only need to identify yourself and enter some basic information. Once identified, you will be able to access the commercial calls for tenders files and other useful information relating to them (such as modifications to initial documents, extensions to deadlines, etc.).
Current calls for tenders
Become a BRGM listed supplier
Practical information
For invoicing, BRGM uses the Chorus application.
Use of the government portal, Chorus Pro (, a free and secure IT solution, is compulsory for all invoicing of public-sector bodies.
Electronic invoices submitted via Chorus must include the following information:
- BRGM identifier (SIRET): 582 056 149 00120
- The undertaking number: the purchase order number or, failing that, the contract number.
- However, the service code is not required for BRGM.
If you do not have this information, please get in touch with your usual BRGM contact. Any invoice without a valid order number will be refused.
Social security and taxation compliance certificates
The contract holder is required to send the following documents to the contracting authority every six months through to the end of the contract:
- documents proving that they are up-to-date with their social security contributions (certificates less than six months old), in compliance with articles D.8222-5 or D.8222-7 of the French Labour Code,
- the list of foreign employees, pursuant to Articles D.8254-2 to D.8254-5 of the French Labour Code, indicating for each employee, the date of hire and nationality, as well as the type of work permit with its number.
In order to simplify administrative procedures for the holder and to ensure security, BRGM has set up a free online platform,, which you can use to submit all the above-mentioned administrative documents free of charge.
To this end, the holder will receive an identification key in due time to access this platform, file the necessary documents and track updates.