    At the EU level, the BRGM has been involved for many years in research programmes, support to public policy development and international cooperation, thereby forging many enduring partnerships.
    European flag

    European flag.

    © Bernard Girardin - Fotolia

    The BRGM is actively engaged at EU level through its sustained involvement in European research programmes and support to public policy development and international cooperation. 

    Our work for the EU includes: 

    • Interfacing between governments, government departments, industries, local government and research organisations; 
    • Providing decision support by delivering data, knowledge and expert tools to address complex systems at different scales; 
    • Acting as a key networking operator at the national, European and international levels to initiate and build up research and development programmes and upgrade decision-support tools. 

    Topic areas covering all geosciences fields 

    The BRGM works at EU level in all of its fields of expertise: geology and knowledge of the subsurface, groundwater management, risks and spatial planning, mineral resources and the circular economy, energy transition, digital data and infrastructure. 

    We monitor regulatory, scientific and technical developments in these fields to guarantee the relevance of our proposals and activities. 

    The experimental LABBIO, Orléans
    Involved in the European Union's Framework Programmes for Research and Innovation (FPRD/I), BRGM has contributed to over 160 projects in the last 20 years, mainly in collaboration with other organisations.

    Close involvement in the Framework Programme for Research and Innovation (FPRI) 

    The BRGM has been involved for many years in the European Union's successive Framework Programmes for Research and Innovation (FPRD/I), since the 4th FPRD. With 62 participations in Horizon 2020 projects, we have achieved a selection rate of 26%, well above the European average of around 12%.

    It ranks among the 40 leading French participants in the Horizon 2020 programme, and in the top 10 research organisations (source: Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation, OpenData). In particular, it was the leading European player, in terms of number of participations, in the Climate Action, Environment, Resource Efficiency and Raw Materials Challenge during the mid-term evaluation of this programme.

    The BRGM has thus confirmed its role as a leading French player on the European scene in research and innovation in the fields of environment and energy. 

    Houses destroyed by the earthquake in the Abruzzo region, Italy
    The BRGM is closely involved at EU level at the interface between the public authorities, public and private-sector managers and research organisations. It takes part in activities financed by the structural funds that support EU regional policies.

    The BRGM contributes to EU public policy development. It acts at the interface between the public authorities, public and private-sector managers and research organisations. 

    Participation in projects under regional EU policies 

    The BRGM is involved in projects funded by the ERDF (European Regional Development Fund) or through INTERREG, its component for territorial cooperation. This Community initiatives programme supports cooperation among different areas of the European Union and between these areas and neighbouring countries. 

    Monitoring regulatory developments in the BRGM's fields of activity 

    In performing its key role as a provider of support to public policy development, the BRGM monitors European regulatory developments in its topic areas, such as the Water, Renewable Energy, Energy Efficiency, Waste and Soils and INSPIRE Directives, the Marine Strategy Framework Directive and the Raw Materials Initiative. 

    Support to the French authorities on topical issues 

    As a provider of technical support for the French authorities in its topic areas, BRGM contributes to: 

    • the promotion of French policies and approaches in new developments at EU level, in particular by contributing to expert groups and standards definitions (CEN); 
    • exchanges of good practice and experience in handling broader and more complex issues.
    Examining an outcrop, Congo
    The European Union provides significant support to pre-accession, developing and emerging countries. The BRGM is an operational player in EU international cooperation.

    The European Union provides significant support to pre-accession, developing and emerging countries under major European policies, especially on the environment and resource efficiency (including energy), fields in which the BRGM is directly involved. 

    To do so, the EU provides facilities and financial support for the implementation of national and regional policies for access to basic resources (water, raw materials and energy), but also for environmental protection (management of waste and polluted sites and soils, environmental monitoring). 

    BRGM contributions to EU international cooperation policy 

    Under the European Union's international cooperation policy, the BRGM contributes to: 

    • the promotion of French and European policies and methodological approaches, 
    • exchanges of good practice and experience in handling broader and more complex issues, 
    • EU-funded development projects (with or without international financing) that apply these approaches and good practices. 
    Lac d'Estaens, Pyrenees
    The BRGM is involved in numerous scientific networks through its European activities. It has played a decisive role in the organisation of Europe's geological sphere.

    In performing its key roles of research and support to public policy development and international cooperation, the BRGM maintains collaborative relations with numerous European players and networks. 

    The BRGM's involvement in organising Europe's geological sphere 

    BRGM, as the French geological survey, has long played a decisive role in the structuring of the European geological area. A driving force in the construction of Europe in the field of Earth Sciences, it is a founding member of the association of European geological surveys, EuroGeoSurveys, created in Orléans in 1971. BRGM has held the presidency of EuroGeoSurveys three times in 1999, 2005 and 2023.

    The BRGM is a key player in the organisation of European research infrastructure in the geosciences and environment fields. 

    Through its collaboration in successive projects under the ESFRI Forum's strategic road-map for European research infrastructure, the BRGM is contributing actively to the implementation of two European research platforms: 

    • EPOS, the European Plate Observing System, within which the BRGM will be hosting the Central Infrastructure Hub in partnership with the British Geological Survey (BGS);
    • ECCSEL, the European infrastructure network for CO2 capture and storage, for which the BRGM is coordinating the French node.

    BRGM involvement in numerous European collaborative programmes 

    The BRGM has developed numerous partnerships with European associations and networks of excellence, for example as a member of CLORA (club of associated research organisations). 

    The BRGM is also involved in various research and expert networks in its topic areas, including: 

    • Mineral resources: PROMETIA  which promotes innovation in mineral processing and extractive metallurgy 
    • Energy: EGEC, EERA (European Energy Research Alliance), ENeRG (European Network for Research in Geo-Energy) 
    • Environment and ecotechnologies: Common Forum on Contaminated Land in Europe, NICOLE, SEDNET
    • Geological storage of CO2: CO2GEONET, CSLF (Carbon Sequestration Leadership Forum) 
    • Digital services and data management: BDVA (Big Data Value Association) 

    It is also a member of several European technology and innovation platforms (ETIP) for industries and research organisations: