BRGM, the French geological survey, is France’s leading public institution for Earth Science applications for the management of surface and sub-surface resources with a view to sustainable development.

Under partnerships with numerous public and private stakeholders, BRGM focuses on scientific research, expertise and innovation. Its activity meets 4 objectives:

  • understanding geological phenomena and related risks,
  • developing new techniques and methodologies,
  • producing and distributing data for surface, subsurface and resource management,
  • providing the tools required to manage the surface, subsurface and resources, prevent risks and pollution, and manage policies in response to climate change.

BRGM, the French geological survey

BRGM is France’s leading public institution for Earth Science applications for the management of surface and sub-surface resources. Its activity is in line with 6 major scientific and societal challenges.


BRGM's action is in line with 6 major scientific and societal challenges:

  • Geology and knowledge of the subsurface
  • Groundwater management
  • Risks and spatial planning
  • Mineral resources and the circular economy
  • Subsurface potential for the energy transition
  • Digital data, services and infrastructure
Lacs d'altitude dans le Massif d'Aneto, Hautes-Pyrénées

BRGM, a public industrial and commercial institution

The BRGM (Bureau de Recherches Géologiques et Minières) was created in 1959. It operates as a public industrial and commercial institution, reporting to the Ministries in charge of Research, Ecology and the Economy.

Terre aux sept couleurs, Ile Maurice

Key figures

  • 1106.00
    members of staff, including 800 engineers and researchers

  • 20.00
    countries of operation in 2023

  • 27.00
    agencies in mainland and overseas France

2023 activity

Operating result of BRGM in 2023.

Operating result of BRGM in 2023.


2023 BRGM accounts - Breakdown of activity by item.

2023 BRGM accounts - Breakdown of activity by item.