TRAC is a freeware application to aid interpretation of hydrogeological tracer tests, developed by the BRGM for scientists and engineering consultancies, in particular for the prevention of accidental pollution.
Interpreting hydrogeological tracer tests for pollution prevention
Hydrogeological tracing is frequently used to track groundwater movements. The reappearance of a substance (usually a tracer dye) at one or more outlets of an underground water system, after injection at a given point upstream, is usually interpreted in terms of flow direction and speed of transfer.
However, it is possible to obtain further information in addition to direct tracer results. The tracer signal at the outlet can be interpreted to provide information on the behaviour of the tracer underground, its exchanges with the environment and its dispersal. These parameters help to assess the properties of the underground environment when it is affected by accidental or diffuse pollution.
Injecting a fluorescent tracer upstream from a leak to track the groundwater flow. © Bruno Leclerc
© Bruno Leclerc
Assistance to groundwater protection agencies
TRAC is designed primarily to help prepare a tracing operation by simulating the underground propagation of a tracer based on existing data and any previous tracing results.
It is intended as a means of assisting water protection agencies, especially in defining the protection perimeter of drinking water abstraction points.
TRAC software.
A new version of TRAC in 2024
In 2024, TRAC is getting a facelift with a new version 2.3 to make it even easier to simulate and interpret trackings:
- improved user interface ergonomics,
- unified interface (instead of two windows in version 1.7),
- improved automatic management of graph boundaries and parameters,
- addition of the Kreft and Zuber (1978) analytical solution,
- addition of a pre-defined plotter list,
- addition of a list of keyboard shortcuts,
- improved print preview,
- simplification of the tree structure,
- reworked the schematics of the plotting systems.
Publications, posters and presentations
TRAC, a collaborative computer tool for tracer-test interpretation - A. Gutierrez, T. Klinka, D. Thiery, E. Buscarlet, S. Binet, N. Jozja, C. Defarge, B. Leclerc, C. Fecamp, Y. Ahumada and J. Elsass(PDF, 564 kB)
TRAC : a software for tracer test interpretation - Poster presented during the Tracer 6 conference in Norway in Oslo un June 2011 (A. GUTIERREZ, T. KLINKA, D. THIERRY, J. ELSASS)(PDF, 556 kB)
Presentation of the main functionalities of TRAC software during the Tracer 6 conference in Norway in Oslo un June 2011, in English (T. KLINKA, A. GUTIERREZ, D. THIERRY)(PDF, 2 MB)
Practical information
- Operating system: Windows
- Programming language:VB.NET
- Languages: French, English (translations may be provided in other languages)