Webinar: Eaux-SCARS project - Mesozoic reservoirs in the north-eastern Aquitaine Basin
The Eaux-SCARS project at a glance
In order to improve the management of the region's groundwater, BRGM and the Departmental Councils of the Dordogne, Lot-et-Garonne, Lot and Charente – supported by the Nouvelle-Aquitaine Regional Council via the ERDF (European Regional Development Fund) and the Adour-Garonne water agency – are launching a hydrogeological research programme that will last several years.
In these four departments, more than half of all the water consumed by the local population, farmers and industry comes from groundwater. Groundwater also contributes enormously to maintaining the levels of local streams and rivers. However, this resource can sometimes become seriously depleted in certain areas or at certain times, and the situation is likely to get worse due to climate change. To avoid future conflicts over use and improve the management of this resource, the various local authorities concerned have decided to launch a vast research programme, managed by BRGM.