The need
The project is based on computer graphics techniques for digital media and is intended to enhance the value of environmental data from the French Office for Biodiversity, available in several information systems mainly intended for professional users and stakeholders of the water, biodiversity and marine environments information systems. It aims to stimulate interest by facilitating the use and understanding of these data, and thus improve dissemination to the general public, through data visualisation techniques (new ways of representing data).
This "democratisation of data through image and video" via 2.0 formats aims to improve the distribution of computer graphics content via digital social networks and thus to engage a community of interest around data produced by public stakeholders.
Interactive dashboard for visualising and cross-referencing the indicators in the repository of flow obstacles.
The results
As an example, two types of format, based on a single piece of source data, in the flow obstacle repository, were produced in 2019:
- An interactive dashboard allowing users to visualise and cross-reference indicators in the repository of flow obstacles,
- A video featuring these figures, illustrated with 3D animations.
Using the results
These multimedia productions are mainly aimed at the general public (mass media) and a wider audience (citizens, schools, etc.), as well as those involved in scientific mediation (NGOs, associations, teachers, journalists, etc.) who, as communicators themselves, are encouraged to take up this content and share it in their own productions.
The partners