The BRGM has published the result of its gender equality index for 2019, as required by the Act of 5 September 2018 on freedom of choice in professional careers.
10 March 2020
Vallon de Savine leading to Lake Savine, Savoie, France, 2013

Key figure

  • 88.00
    Gender equality index at BRGM for 2019

A score of 88/100 for the BRGM’s gender equality index

For 2019, the gender equality index at BRGM reached 88/100.

This index, although down 5 percent from 2018, remains a good result.

The score is calculated from five indicators:

  1. Concerning equal pay at BRGM: the pay gap was1.2% in favour of men (in 2018 it was 1.4% in favour of men).
  2. Concerning pay rises: the gap stands at 0.8% in favour of men (in 2018 it was 3.1% in favour of women).
  3. Concerning promotion of women and men there was a 0.5% gap in favour of men whereas in 2018 it was 1.4% in favour of women.
  4. One hundred percent of women returning from maternity leave received the pay increases they were entitled to during their absence (this was also the case in 2018).
  5. There were few women among the most highly paid employees.

BRGM's commitment to gender equality in the workplace

BRGM is committed to gender equality in the workplace, as required by the Act of 4 August 2014 and the company-level agreement on diversity and gender equality at work, signed on 10 July 2015. Equality in the workplace means ensuring that there is no discrimination within the company. The challenge for BRGM is to achieve true equality between men and women at work, in particular by precluding day-to-day sexism at work, and by promoting equal pay, gender parity at management level and a gender-balanced workforce.

The lesson to be learned from this 2019 index is that BRGM must pay particular attention to ensuring that women can accede to managerial positions.