Main indicators from the Mixity study on diversity and inclusion at BRGM, carried out in 2023.
© Mixity
Diversity and inclusion at BRGM
In 2023, BRGM measured its Diversity and Inclusion footprint for the year 2022, with the support of the agency Mixity. This diagnosis is based on 5 pillars:
- Gender (gender equality)
- Disability
- Multicultural
- Multigenerational
The footprint measured, based on quantitative indicators as well as essential qualitative data, has enabled BRGM to compare itself with other organisations, most of which have a head start in the field of diversity and inclusion, because, like BRGM, they have chosen to be proactive (64 companies measured in total).
BRGM obtained an overall score of 74/100 in 2022, which ranks it among the mature organisations. Scores by theme show that BRGM is at the forefront in the fields of disability (85%), multi-generational (84%) and gender equality (80%), but that it can still make progress in the LGBTQ+ (55%) and multicultural (56%) fields.
BRGM's commitment to equality between women and men at work
Agreement on professional equality between women and men
Through its new agreement on professional equality between women and men, signed in 2021 for a period of 3 years (2021-2024) by its management and the three trade unions, BRGM is strengthening its commitment to equal opportunities through the implementation of “positive actions”, by addressing 7 issues:
- Equal pay for women and men
- Enabling women's access to executive positions
- Gender parity in geoscience professions and reinforced mixing of professions with unbalanced gender percentages
- Reconciling work, personal life and parenthood
- Access to international assignments for young parents and women
- Preventing and fighting against all forms of sexism at work
- Building a genuine culture of equality
The 2023 equality index
At BRGM, the gender equality index provided for by the Act of 5 September 2018 on freedom of choice in professional careers, scored 94/100 in 2023.
The score is calculated from five indicators:
- Concerning equal pay, the salary gap between men and women at BRGM was 0.7% more favourable to men (in 2022 it was 1.1% more favourable to men).
- Concerning pay rises, the overall rate of increase was 1.5% greater for men (in 2022, the rate was 1% greater for men).
- Concerning promotions, a total of 0.1% more men were promoted than women (in 2022, the rate was 0.5% more favourable to men).
- One hundred percent of women returning from maternity leave received the pay increases they were entitled to during their absence (this was also the case in 2022).
- Two women among the ten highest salaries (as in 2022).
Role of the BRGM gender equality officer
The Equality Officer reports to the BRGM Human Resources Director. Following the signing of a new professional equality agreement between women and men at work, signed in April 2021 by the General Management of BRGM and its three trade unions, for a period of 3 years (2021-2024), the role of the Equality Officer is to steer the equality policy towards real equality between women and men at work, particularly for the scientific population of our research establishment, which is made up of one third women and two thirds men (average proportion in the Earth sciences in France).
In order to achieve this overall objective, his function is to put into action and ensure the follow-up (quantitative indicator) of this ambitious agreement through the implementation of "positive actions", responding to 7 challenges:
- gender parity in the geoscientific professions and mixing of very unbalanced professions;
- enabling women's access to executive positions;
- reconciling work, personal life and parenthood;
- access to international assignments for young parents and women;
- equal pay for women and men;
- building a genuine culture of equality ;
- preventing and fighting against all forms of sexism at work.
In this regard, he is in charge of combating sexual harassment and sexist acts at BRGM.
This position of Equality Officer is part-time at the rate of one day per week for a period of 3 years (duration of the agreement). It is provided by the Diversity & Inclusion manager who began his assignment in September 2015.
Prevention campaigns against gender-based and sexual violence at BRGM
Since January 2020, BRGM has undertaken to combat occupational sexist and sexual violence. Several measures have been implemented since 2020 such as:
- the appointment of 4 in-house coordinators to combat sexist behaviour and sexual harassment, to register complaints by victims and to determine the nature of any inappropriate behaviour;
- the setting-up of a reporting system including a generic email address and a psychological-support unit staffed by a pair of coordinators;
- the distribution of a flyer to all staff to raise awareness of the different types of sexist and sexual violence and to publicise the reporting system for occupational sexist and sexual violence situations and measures taken to deal with them;
- the creation of a training MOOC, within the framework of a European project, with BRGM as the pilot company in partnership with PSYTEL;
- the setting-up of prevention sessions, particularly for new managers and new recruits;
- a talk by Natacha Henry, for BRGM staff, entitled “Stop sexist violence at work”, held on 8 March 2021. Since then, preventive awareness-raising sessions have been organised for each division as required, with the support of Natacha Henry.
Gender equality: key figures
94.00/ 100Gender equality index at BRGM for 2023
Disability at BRGM: inclusion through competence
Through its new disability agreement, signed in December 2022 by its executive board and its three trade unions for a period of 3 years (2023-2025), BRGM is demonstrating its determination to pursue an ambitious policy to encourage the recruitment of disabled employees on a permanent basis, and to develop responsible purchasing favouring people with disabilities, by meeting the new obligations of the 2020 Disability Act.
To this end, since 1 January 2023, BRGM has deployed an action plan based on the 5 pillars of the agreement:
- Raising awareness and embedding a culture of inclusion through skills
- Developing the long-term recruitment of disabled employees
- Promoting long-term job security and accessibility at BRGM
- Stepping up purchases of disabled-friendly services
- Supporting employee carers of disabled people
The quantified goals of the new 2023-2025 disability agreement are:
- At least 4 recruitments per year for contracts lasting more than 3 months.
- At least 3 permanent contracts over the duration of the agreement.
- At a minimum, a balance between departures of older employees recognised as having a disability (10 departures projected by the end of the agreement) and new employees recognised as having a disability.
- Fair and reasonable adjustments to workstations, with an estimated budget of €80k over 3 years, co-funded by BRGM and AGEFIPH.
- At least €230k of responsible purchasing by 2025 from service providers in the sheltered employment sector.
The priority objective of the agreement is to include people with disabilities on a long-term basis, and as a result, thanks to a proactive policy, to surpass the 6% direct employment rate for people with disabilities. Note that in 8 years, the disability employment rate at BRGM rose from 1.8% in 2014 to 4.9% in 2022.
In February 2020, BRGM signed the Inclusive Business Charter, which is part of the national initiative "France, an opportunity, businesses commit".
In 2021, BRGM received the Agefiph #activateur_de_progres award for its efforts to keep disabled employees in employment by adapting their jobs.
BRGM has received an award from Agefiph in 2021 as part of its #activateurdeprogres programme, in the "Activator of job stability & professional development" category, in which Vinci also received an award.
© Agefiph
HRS4R certification to make BRGM more attractive
BRGM was the first Public Industrial and Commercial Institution (EPIC) to obtain HRS4R "HR Excellence in Research" certification from the European Commission. In relation to this, it implements a continuous improvement process with regard to the recruitment of researchers and their working conditions. The purpose is to make BRGM more attractive on the job market.
Quality of life at work and prevention of psychosocial risks
Since 2017, to deal with psychosocial risks, BRGM has taken measures to prevent psychosocial risks, as well as setting up a team , which meets regularly, to resolve situations in which people are suffering at work.
Every three years since 2019, BRGM has undertaken a ‘social barometer’ survey of its employees to find out how they perceive their quality of life at work. These surveys achieved a high response rate of 76% in 2019 and 78% in 2021.
Measures taken following the 2019 social barometer survey
Based on the 10 criteria of this survey that revealed the lowest levels of satisfaction, an action plan was implemented jointly with around forty volunteer employees and the Board of Directors to improve working conditions over a 2-year period. This plan ended in December 2021 with a respectable completion rate of 82%, despite health constraints.
Measures taken following the 2021 social barometer survey
In January 2022, a second social barometer survey was sent to all BRGM employees. On the basis of its results, a new plan to improve working conditions is being drawn up to prepare for the next barometer survey scheduled for January 2025.
Your career at BRGM
We attach great importance to helping you further your career by providing you with opportunities to develop your skills, take on responsibilities, work in different geographical regions and on international assignments, so as to take your expertise beyond our national borders. Ongoing occupational training is central to your career development, which is why we devote 6% of our payroll to the training budget.
Social report: key figures
BRGM's workforce on 31 December 2023 and distribution by profession.
BRGM age pyramid as of 31 December 2023.
Our other commitments
Since its creation, BRGM has been committed to the principles of integrity and responsibility, which are a fundamental part of its culture. Discover our commitments in terms of ethics, corporate social responsibility (CSR), openness to society, quality and the environment.