For the 4th meeting of the Dem’Eaux Roussillon project monitoring committee, a webinar was organised on 11 and 12 March 2021.

The aim of the Dem’Eaux Roussillon project is to gain a better understanding of the volumes of water that can be sustainably abstracted from the Roussillon coastal aquifer. A webinar was organised on 11 and 12 March 2021 to present the initial results of this project.

Dem’Eaux Webinar: water uses on the scale of the Roussillon plain

Dem’Eaux 2021 Webinar - Morning session, Thursday 11 March: "Characterisation of water use on the Roussillon plain".


Dem’Eaux Webinar: hydrosystem interactions / coastal dynamics of the Roussillon plain

Dem’Eaux 2021 Webinar - Afternoon session, Thursday 11 March: "Interaction between river systems and coastal dynamics in the Roussillon Plain"


Dem’Eaux Webinar: hydrogeological characterisation of the Pliocene-Quaternary Roussillon aquifer

Dem’Eaux 2021 Webinar - Morning session, Friday 12 March: "Hydrogeological characterisation of the Pliocene-Quaternary Roussillon aquifer".


Dem’Eaux Webinar: Digital platform to promote the project results

Dem’Eaux 2021 Webinar - Afternoon session, Friday 12 March: "Digital platform to promote the project results"



(J.-B. Raynaud, Y. Caballero)