A national geodata event organised by Afigéo and Décryptagéo
Organised by Afigéo and DécryptaGéo, the GéoDataDays event is France’s biggest independently-organised event for digital geography. The 2023 event will be held at the Centre des Congrès in Reims, in partnership with the French Ministry for Ecological Transition, the Conseil National de l'Information Géolocalisée (national council for geolocated data), Connect By CNES, Enedis, and local players working together on the DATAGRANDEST regional data platform.
Anybody with an interest in geodata is invited: elected representatives, regional land managers, researchers, geographers, business leaders, representatives of competitiveness clusters, etc. Overall, the event will involve more than 1,000 participants, with around 70 exhibitors and 80 experts.
The aim of this event is to publicise, promote and showcase the geographical data sector: its ecosystem, players, products, services, innovations, etc.
BRGM presents its work in the field of digital data
On Stand 45, BRGM will be presenting its web-based information sites and the procedures for accessing its digital data and services in the fields of geosciences and the environment, with respect to natural hazards, the energy transition and groundwater.
BRGM is taking part in a “Major Theme”: “When geodata goes deep into the soil and subsoil”
14 September from 11.15am to 4pm
While geodigital technologies help us to see the big picture, they also need to scrutinise what's going on underground, since the soil and subsoil - both highly coveted resources - are now at the heart of the climate and energy transition. Here again, these technologies need to push back the boundaries to build a coherent regional vision. This session will explore new uses, new techniques and new methods through a range of feedback.
Sequence 2: Discovering the subsoil
Moderated by Stéphane Loigerot, BRGM
Including: Discovering the subsoil: an overview of existing data and tools - Arnaud Garnier, BRGM
Practical information
GéoDataDays 2023 takes place on 13 and 14 September 2023.
Centre des Congrès in Reims
12 Bd du Général Leclerc, 51100 Reims