Blue marl topped near Barrême (French Alps, 2006).
© BRGM - Patrick Lebret
The PITEM RISK project (2018–2022) was designed to bring together two cross-border networks within the ALCOTRA programme area: the natural risk management network and the emergency management network.
The objective of the project is to improve the ability to respond to risks and emergencies across borders in the French and Italian alpine region of the ALCOTRA programme, organise communication and educational activities for the public and training events for stakeholders, and address several remaining operational challenges. The main cross-border approaches and tools will be tested in pilot areas.
PITEM RISK-COM: increasing awareness of risks and sharing information tools across a network
The goal of the PITEM RISK-COM project, which is part of the PITEM RISK project, is to increase the resilience of the trans-border ALCOTRA area through participative action to inform and guide citizens, public bodies and businesses about the prevention and management of risk situations.
One-day event on the theme of risk communication
During the second year of the PITEM RISK-COM project, a one-day event on risk communication was convened on 3 November 2020.
In the morning, a lecture was given by Anna Scolobig, a researcher at the Institute for Environmental Sciences of the University of Geneva, on the challenges and uncertainties of risk communication.
Lectio magistralis Dr. Anna Scolobig 1st part
In the afternoon, the initial results of the PITEM RISK project were presented by the partners. This included progress reports on BRGM’s work on the complete overhaul of the Observatoire Régional des Risques Majeurs en PACA (ORRM PACA) website to be launched in early 2021, and on ongoing collaborative work between BRGM and the University of Aix-Marseille's Laboratory on Population, the Environment and Development (LPED) on social representations of mountain risks.