Implemented by the General Directorate for Risk Prevention and BRGM, the MonICPE portal aims to provide operators (ICPE or others) and managers (DREAL, Water Agencies, Departmental Directorates for Social Cohesion and Population Protection, etc.) with centralised access to all applications related to the regulatory environmental monitoring of classified installations.
7 October 2019
Home page of the MonICPE portal

Home page of the MonICPE portal.


“My Account" page of an operator on the MonICPE portal

“My Account" page of an operator on the MonICPE portal.


The need

The General Directorate for Risk Prevention (DGPR) relies on several systems related to Classified Installations: the national database of Classified Installations (S3IC) allowing the monitoring and management of inspections carried out by government services; applications dedicated to the reporting of waste (GIDAF), polluting emissions (GEREP) or dangerous substances (SEVESO 3); and databases linked to polluted sites and ground (BASIAS and BASOL in particular). Although they share a common user base (mainly operators and inspection service officials), these different applications do not benefit from shared access codes.

As part of the redesign of some of these applications, the DGPR, in collaboration with BRGM, wanted to set up a single authentication system to allow users to access all applications with a single account.

The results

The MonICPE portal went on line on 26 July 2018, after a phase of examining existing authentication tools on the market in order to select a proven and recognised tool based on the most recent authentication protocols. It consists of a website serving as a single entry point for users of all the applications, and an authentication system based on centralised management of user rights.

GIDAF user rights were collected for injection into this new system and GIDAF was the first application included in the portal.

Using the portal

The purpose of the MonICPE portal is to become a platform for rationalising professional applications related to Classified Installations. The unique authentication protocol allows a user to access all applications with a single sign-on.

The first application to use this service was GIDAF (Gestion Informatisée des Données d'Autosurveillance Fréquente) (computerised management of frequently-recurring self-monitoring data), which is intended to transmit the results of discharge monitoring made by operators in compliance with the regulation of Classified Installations (water discharges, legionella monitoring, groundwater quality monitoring) or in relation to declarations for discharge fees.

Other applications will be integrated into the portal in the coming months such as GEREP (annual declaration of pollutant and waste emissions and transfers), SSP (polluted sites and ground), Seveso 3, S3IC etc., and new functionalities will be developed to meet users' needs.

The partners

Directorate General for Risk Prevention (MTES)