More than two thirds (64%) of all groundwater tables were at moderately low to very low levels. With no significant impact from the first autumn rains, the low water levels continued through to the end of the year.
15 January 2018
Map of water table levels in France on 1 January 2018

Map of water table levels in France on 1 January 2018. 


Water table levels on 1 January 2018 were uneven across different regions.

More than two thirds (64%) of all groundwater tables were at moderately low to very low levels. It is unusual for such low water levels to last until the end of the year. This reflects the fact that the first autumn rains, which were eagerly awaited to recharge the aquifers, had no significant impact on the levels. With the exception of a few areas, it can be noted that the groundwater levels across the majority of the country have been affected by a shortfall in terms of recharging, due to a lack of significant rainfall.

Trends in water table levels

The general trend as regards the change in the water table levels reflects a marked shift towards recharging, with almost two-thirds of the points monitored (63%) now moving upwards. Only a small number of points show a downward trend in groundwater levels (12%) and the number of points with a stable level is increasing (25%). This situation reflects the transition between the low-water period and the start of a new rise in levels, indicating that we are gradually moving towards an effective winter recharge.

The status of the water tables on 1 January 2018 reflects a somewhat slow start to winter recharging but the positive trend seems to be confirmed, nonetheless.