On 4 March 2023, Christophe Poinssot, Deputy Director General of BRGM, signed a bilateral partnership agreement with Prof. Kampata Dona, Managing Director of the DRC Geological Survey (SGN-C).
This new agreement will help SGN-C to deploy an efficient geological data management system, improve knowledge of the DRC's subsurface and prepare responsible-mining pilot projects for the energy transition.
BRGM at the economic forum "Opportunities for a DRC-France-EU strategic partnership"
In a global context of fostering closer ties between the DRC and France, BRGM participated in the economic forum "Opportunities for a DRC-France-EU strategic partnership" and in particular in the round table discussion on strategic metals for the energy transition. Christophe Poinssot spoke, alongside the representative of the European Union, on the issue of strategic metals for the energy transition and the measures taken by France. He also presented the prospects for the partnership being developed with the SGN-C.
The DRC representatives expressed their willingness to resume exploration of their country's mineral resources in order to come up with new projects that they wish to develop as part of a responsible mining strategy. They also want to develop activities around mining sites to help develop the country and its infrastructure.
A roadmap to improve knowledge of the DRC's subsurface
At the end of this round table discussion, a "Joint Declaration of Intent on Cooperation between France and the DRC on Critical Metals and the Energy Transition" was signed by Chrysoula Zacharopoulou, Secretary of State attached to the French Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs, in charge of Development, the worldwide French-speaking Community and International Partnerships, and by the DRC's Deputy Minister of Mines.
This declaration lays out a joint roadmap for the development of skills, the deployment of an efficient Geological Information System, the consolidation of knowledge of the DRC's subsurface and the emergence of responsible mining projects. BRGM will be playing an active role in implementing the roadmap.
A partnership agreement signed by BRGM and the DRC Geological Survey
Signing of a partnership agreement between Kampata Dona, Managing Director of the DRC’s Geological Survey (SGN-C), and Christophe Poinssot, Deputy Managing Director of BRGM, in Kinshasa on 4 March 2023.
BRGM has signed a framework partnership agreement with the DRC Geological Survey (SGN-C) and an initial contract to audit the SGN-C's geological and mining information system (Banque Nationale des Données Géoscientifiques).
This framework agreement provides for the full deployment of the Geological and Mining Information System, and the joint development of research and exploration on critical metals with a view to developing mining projects. It should also help the DRC train its managers so that it has the skills and know-how to make the most of its many resources to support its development while at the same time preserving its environment.
BRGM support for mineral resources diplomacy
At the closing meeting of the Economic Forum, the two Heads of State and the European Commissioners in charge of the Internal Market and International Partnerships mentioned BRGM and the signing of the agreement between BRGM and SGN-C several times as one of the positive outcomes of this visit. The European Union has undertaken to set up a strategic partnership in the field of mineral resources, which could also be partly based on BRGM's actions. Through these agreements, BRGM is fulfilling its role of providing technical input for the mineral resources diplomacy carried out by the French Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs.