There is a new service available on the GéoRisques website. With this service, you can edit the risk statement, an obligatory document for all real estate transactions, in just a few clicks. BRGM has made this service widely available.
26 February 2021

The first digital version of the regulatory risk statement for informing buyers and tenants (ERRIAL), an obligatory document in any real estate transaction in France, is available on the Gé website.

This document can now be produced quickly and easily

Until now, this document was largely handwritten and required the compilation of a disparate set of information. The MaMaisonMesRisques service offered by GéoRisques already provided some of the required information, but the new digital ERRIAL system provides a compliant, successful and automated service.

Mass introduction of the prototype by BRGM

Based on a prototype produced by the Fabrique Numérique (Digital Factory), a state-owned start-up, its mass introduction required several months of work by BRGM in collaboration with IGN to integrate it into the GéoRisques information system and to provide a fully operational service throughout the country.

In a continuous development process, this initial version will be improved over the months to refine the service available to users, both in terms of the quality of the data provided and its ergonomic aspects.