PRIME platform for remediation and innovation in environmental metrology (Orléans, 2017).
© BRGM - Didier Depoorter
The European Human Resources Strategy for Researchers (HRS4R) aims to improve the practices of research organisations and institutions concerning the recruitment and working conditions of scientists. It has thus created an “HR Excellence in Research” label, granted by the European Commission.
BRGM, the first EPIC to be awarded the HRS4R label
Since 21 June 2021, BRGM has become the first French public industrial and commercial establishment (EPIC) to be awarded the HRS4R label.
In adopting this approach, BRGM, the French Geological Survey, has committed to implementing the 40 principles set out in the European Charter for Researchers and Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers.
This is an opportunity for the institution to pursue and consolidate its proactive policy in favour of its scientific staff. The measures implemented will benefit all BRGM staff by helping to improve working conditions in general.
An approach consistent with the State-BRGM objectives and performance contract
Included among the indicators of the 2018-2022 State-BRGM objectives and performance contract, obtaining the “HR Excellence in Research” label is also part of a longer-term process aimed at strengthening the management of human resources within the institution, in line with the objectives defined in this contract:
- In order to ensure that BRGM has the skills needed for its missions, both in the short and long term, with in particular an internationalisation of the recruitment of scientists,
- In order to promote quality of life at work to motivate and attract researchers.

The award of the HRS4R label is recognition of BRGM’s commitment to improving its attractiveness to researchers around the world. It should enable us to increase this attractiveness by supporting our staff’s scientific careers and offering the women and men of BRGM a motivating and productive working environment. This approach, which has been validated by the European Union, will help us to continue to develop an ambitious HR policy for the benefit of all employees. In particular, it is a question of adapting the HRS4R baseline to our specificity as a public industrial and commercial establishment carrying out a diversified scientific activity covering not only research but also expertise in support of public authorities and economic players, and innovation in conjunction with the industrial world. It is also an opportunity to consolidate BRGM’s involvement in European research programmes at the start of the Horizon Europe programme.
Two-year action plan
The European Commission has approved BRGM's approach without reservation. The institution now has two years to continue and complete the implementation of the proposed action plan, which includes 87 actions of graduated scope, spread over the following areas:
- Professional and ethical responsibilities (28 actions);
- Recruitment and selection (18 actions);
- Working conditions and social policy (29 actions);
- Training and supervision (12 actions).
BRGM has chosen a project mode configuration to organise and structure its HRS4R strategy, based on a project manager, a steering committee, working groups representing the various BRGM divisions. Around thirty BRGM staff are working together to implement the HRS4R strategy.