Geothermal spring (region of Taupo, New Zealand, 2012).
© BRGM - Marc Urvois
The first issue of "R*, BRGM's Research Newsletter" has just come out. Available in both paper and digital format, this new publication gives an overview of BRGM's key scientific achievements and the aims of its research projects.
"R*, BRGM's Research Newsletter" is a quarterly publication. It replaces BRGM's Research Report, which used to be published once a year.
The inaugural newsletter looks at how geosciences contribute to the development of carbon-free energies. This is a highly topical subject ahead of the United Nations Conference on Climate Change (COP 21), to be held in Paris at the end of 2015.
Among all the different Geological Survey organisations in Europe, BRGM is one of the most active in the field of research. In particular, it plays a key role in supporting and driving energy transition, with numerous activities focusing on the sustainable use of the subsurface's energy potential.