Given that the energy transition implies increased needs of mineral resources, how can we secure our supplies for the coming decades?
30 June 2022
Cover of Issue 26 of the Géosciences journal.

Cover of Issue 26 of the Géosciences journal.


Issue 26 of the Géosciences journal, published in June 2022, focuses on the topic of critical metals.

Securing the supply of mineral raw materials for the energy transition

The energy transition towards carbon-free production reveals more than ever how dependant our technologies are on an increasing amount and variety of metals. Will we be able to meet all the needs for mineral raw materials in the coming decades? How can we secure our supplies given that the last mines in France closed at the end of the last century?

BRGM, France's leading public player in the field of mineral resources, has devoted this issue of its journal, Géosciences, to answering these questions and many others.

This issue, which includes an article by Philippe Varin, author of the recent report on securing the supply of mineral raw materials to industry, and an interview with Christel Bories, CEO of Eramet, discussing the place of metals in our daily lives, takes stock of European mining potential and reviews the state of recycling in France and the prospects for innovation in this field.

BRGM's Géosciences journal

BRGM’s journal is written for an informed but not exclusively scientific readership. Géosciences, a six-monthly scientific and technical journal launched in 2005, addresses research aspects and support for public policy and industrial technologies, in France, in Europe and around the world.

The editorial content deals with major geoscience issues, such as water, natural hazards, urban geology, geology and health, the natural environment and heritage, mineral resources, polluted soils and waste, and climate change.

The scientific content is systematically complemented with a societal perspective. Authors may, for example, address legal, economic, geopolitical, social or environmental issues as well as the geoscientific aspects of their topic.

Geosciences journal no. 26