Diffuse pollution is often not very visible. It nevertheless poses a major risk to the environment since, even if it occurs in moderate concentrations, large areas of land and sea can be permanently polluted.
In Pays de la Loire (the Loire region), several teams of researchers from different fields (biology, geology, sociology, chemistry, physics, etc.) have come together to address the issue of diffuse pollution in the land-sea continuum. As part of the POLLUSOLS project, in which BRGM is a partner, they studied several types of inorganic pollutants over a period of 5 years: lead, mercury, copper, zinc, platinoid metals and radionuclides, across the Loire catchment area. This project ends in 2021, so it is time to review the main advances made possible by this research and implications for the future.
Provisional programme
9.15 am: Introduction
- Presentation of the POLLUSOLS project - Thierry Lebeau (University of Nantes - LPG - OSUNA)
- Biogeochemistry and transfer of emerging/resurgent contaminants in the soil/river/ocean continuum - Alexandre Gélabert (IPGP)
10.15 am: “Sources” theme
- Constitution of local geochemical reference frames for urban land and near subsurfaces: from database to geostatistical interpretation - Cécile Le Guern (BRGM)
- The limits of isotope tracing: a comparative study of lead and copper - Joël Knoery (IFREMER)
- Use of isotope tracing to assess the impact of former uranium mines on the environment - Alkiviadis Gourgiotis (IRSN)
11.45 am: “Transfers” theme
- Role of the microbial component in the mobility and soil-plant transfer of copper - Thierry Lebeau (UN-LPG-OSUNA)
- Environmental impact of a former municipal landfill in Nantes - Monitoring the transfer of micropollutants from the waste dump to the Loire - Béatrice Béchet (Univ.Eiffel - IRSTV)
- Understanding the dynamics of trace metals in the aquatic environment: contributions of modelling and passive sampling techniques - Title & speaker to be confirmed (IFREMER)
- The legal framework for transfer of ownership of polluted soils - Gaëlle Audrain-Demey (ESPI)
3.30 pm: “Impacts and heritage” theme
- Speciation of organically bound tritium in the environment - Oliver Peron (SUBATECH) and Frédérique Eyrolle (IRSN)
- Reconciling the constraints of plant management with those of site management and use: examples from POLLUSOLS - Thierry Lebeau (UN-LPG-OSUNA)
- Emerging contaminants in the Loire estuary: bioaccumulation and effects in sentinel species - Aurore Zalouk-Vergnoux and Laurence Poirier (UN-MMS)
- A review of the construction of an interdisciplinary programme devoted to uranium-ore risk - Sophie Bretesché (IMTA-UN-LEMNA)
5.30 pm: Conclusion
- Summary of the day and perspectives - Hélène Roussel (ADEME)