BRGM contributes to the dialogue between science and society. To this end, it organises meetings in the regions, to provide opportunities for outreach and discussion. In French Guiana, a meeting was held on 2 September 2016 in Cayenne.

As a public institution for research and expert studies, BRGM contributes to the dialogue between science and society in its different fields. 

Establishing a dialogue with civil society representatives in the French regions 

BRGM's regional representatives organise meetings with representatives of civil society groups to discuss regional environmental questions relating to BRGM's areas of expertise and on which papers and articles have been published. 

These meetings provide opportunities for open and constructive discussions. They stimulate exchanges of knowledge - or of knowledge "gaps” - questions from all parties and the expression of their expectations, while observing the ethical principles that guarantee transparency and trust and preserve the independent judgement of all concerned.

Summary of the meeting held at Cayenne on 2 September 2016 

Topic on the agenda 

Perceptions of French Guiana's coastal lands and prospects for using them sustainably  

Date and venue 

Friday, 2 September 2016 in the premises of BRGM's French Guiana Regional Division in Cayenne. 


  • Presentation of the work of the French Guiana Regional Division on coastal areas.  
  • Round table on participants’ expectations 
  • Discussion on the topic and related challenges for the region 


9 participants, respectively from the following organisations: 

  • Cercle d'Etude et de Prospective Orthodontiques Garancière (GEPOG) (Orthodontists’ study and forward-planning group); 
  • WWF Guyane; 
  • ASPAG (Club de canoë-kayak-pirogue de l’île de Cayenne); 
  • Groupe Régional d'Animation et d'Initiation à la Nature et à l'Environnement (GRAINE) in French Guiana (regional nature awareness-raising group); 
  • Association Syndicale Libre des Riverains de la Plage Montjoly Montravel (ASLRPMM) (local residents group); 
  • Conservatrice des Salines de Montjoly (Salt pans conservation organisation); 
  • Association Kwata (French Guiana association for the study and protection of nature, manager of the Salines de Montjoly site belonging to the Conservatoire du littoral); 
  • École Maritime de Guyane de Kourou (merchant navy school). 

Participants' expectations and questions, discussions 

This meeting on "Perceptions of French Guiana's coastal areas and prospects for its sustainable use" addressed the sharing of scientific knowledge and the studies carried out on coastal erosion and flooding phenomena. The discussion raised questions about erosion/flooding and siltation cycle phenomena, coastal management, adaptation to climate change, and the desire of some participants to contribute to the observer network.