BRGM is a partner of GEODAYS 2021, an event hosted by Pôle AVENIA from 22 to 24 June in a fully digital format. The agenda is spread over three days of B2B networking, presentations and workshops on the role of subsurface industries in enabling energy transition and the transition to a green economy.
GEODAYS 2021 is an event hosted by Pôle AVENIA from 22 to 24 June in a fully digital format

GEODAYS 2021 is an event hosted by Pôle AVENIA from 22 to 24 June in a fully digital format.


GEODAYS 2021, a 100% online event held from 22 to 24 June, is sponsored jointly by BRGM and Extra&Co, an initiative led by four organisations, including BRGM, for companies in the extractive and primary processing sectors.

GEODAYS 2021 agenda

More than 500 participants will be logging in to discuss the role of innovation in the subsurface industries for enabling energy transition and the transition to a green economy.

The event will provide a unique opportunity for your company to develop, meet new partners and create new projects.


The GEODAYS event has an international reach and is structured around presentations and workshops on a range of themes, including export business and innovation.

Open Innovation

This brings together innovators and players in the subsurface industries. Take your project to the next level by presenting it to leaders among the big names in the subsurface markets. The 30-minute meetings are confidential and scheduled throughout the event from 22 June to 24 June.

B2B meetings

You can schedule bespoke professional meetings through our appointment booking system, allowing you to quickly and easily find many potential partners to develop your project within France or internationally. Up to 24 30-minute meetings can be booked to expand your network.

Speed pitching session

Take this opportunity to explain who you are and talk about your innovative projects, products or services during a dedicated moment at the event.