Are aquifers running dry? - Science en questions
BRGM partners with the L'Esprit Sorcier TV channel
BRGM, the French geological survey, is a partner of L'Esprit Sorcier TV, a new family channel dedicated to science and the environment. Founded by Fred Courant, co-host of the TV show C'est pas Sorcier this channel follows the news of "those who do scientific research on a daily basis", in laboratories as well as on expeditions to the ends of the Earth. A range of themes, among which are energy, climate, biodiversity, digital technology or demography, are covered in different formats, from in-depth programmes to documentaries, reports, events (Fête de la science) and live debates.
BRGM experts regularly appear on Science en questions programmes when the subjects are related to Earth sciences. Replays of these episodes are available on the YouTube channel L’Esprit Sorcier TV.