BRGM, the French Geological Survey, was awarded a prize along with the agency Néologis at the Top Com Grands Prix Corporate Business 2023, for its "Ambassadors on social networks" programme.
17 April 2023
The Top Com Grands Prix Corporate Business awards ceremony in Paris on 12 April 2023.

The Top Com Grands Prix Corporate Business awards ceremony in Paris on 12 April 2023.

De gauche à droite : Nicolas Hirgorome (designer graphique chez Néologis), Sophie Morin (dirigeante de l'agence Néologis), Pierre Vassal (responsable de la Communication, de la Médiation scientifique et des Éditions du BRGM), Charline Huart (chargée de la communication sur les réseaux sociaux du BRGM), Eva Arlettaz (chargée de projets chez Néologis), et Aude Rouger-Loiseau (chargée de la communication digitale du BRGM).

© Top Com Grands Prix

From left to right: Nicolas Hirgorome (graphic designer at Néologis), Sophie Morin (CEO of the Néologis agency), Pierre Vassal (Head of Communication, Scientific Mediation and Head of Les Éditions du BRGM, BRGM's Publishing Branch), Charline Huart (in charge of communication on BRGM's social networks), Eva Arlettaz (project manager at Néologis), and Aude Rouger-Loiseau (in charge of BRGM's digital communication).

BRGM has taken on the challenge of giving a voice to its employees on social networks to better promote its actions by creating its in-house "Ambassadors on social networks" programme.

Since 2019, around one hundred employees (out of the institution's workforce of 1,000), scientists and support staff, have been trained and assisted by BRGM's Communication team. The aim is to give these non-professionals in the field of communication the keys to improve their expression on social networks and to encourage them to post on them.

Participation is voluntary, but the programme makes the scientific projects carried out by BRGM and the major societal issues in which it is involved (knowledge of the subsurface, groundwater, natural and human-made risks, mineral resources, energy transition, etc.) more visible. The Ambassadors programme also responds to a demand from employees, more and more of whom are posting on social networks on professional topics.

An initiative rewarded by a jury of communication professionals

On 12 April 2023, the project was awarded a Top Com d'or in the category "Animation of social networks". BRGM received the award along with the communication agency Neologis, based in Orléans, which has been working with it since 2019 to create the various campaigns to promote the programme for BRGM staff.

The Top Com Corporate Business awards are given out each year for the best communication campaigns, designed to promote a company's image. The jury is made up of communication professionals and the awards cover some thirty categories.

BRGM has already won several Top Com awards, including two for its website in 2014 and 2022, and is continuing to develop its digital communication for all its audiences.