24 geologists from 14 French-speaking African countries took courses on "geoscientific mapping" in Agadir and Tafraout in Morocco, from 9 October to 5 November 2018.
PanAfGeo, a 3-year pan-African training programme of unprecedented scale and ambition, was launched in 2017 to train 1200 geologists from 54 African countries.
An international cooperation programme between Europe and Africa
Cofunded by the European Union and a consortium of twelve European geological survey organisations (BRGM, CzGS, EGS, GeoZS, GEUS, GTK, IGME, ISPRA, LGT, LNEG, PGI, SGU), this €10.3 million programme was set up in close collaboration between EuroGeoSurveys, the umbrella organisation for Europe's geological surveys, and the OAGS, its African counterpart. It is being undertaken as an international cooperation programme between the EU and the African Union.
20 geoscientific data professionals from 11 African countries attended the course on "Database management, processing georeferenced data and Geographical Information System interfaces" in Lomé, Togo, from 24 September to 5 October 2018.
27 training sessions in 14 host countries
After two years, results for the training courses deployed under the project are very positive, with 689 geoscientists trained in 44 African countries. 2018 saw a rapid expansion in training, with 455 people attending courses in that year alone.
Altogether, 27 training sessions (19 in English and 8 in French) were organised in 14 host countries (Botswana, Cameroon, Ethiopia, Gabon, Ghana, Malawi, Morocco, Namibia, Nigeria, Senegal, South Africa, Tanzania, Togo and Zambia).
The courses covered all of the geoscientific competences offered by the programme (geological mapping, mineral resources, natural risks, geological heritage, information systems).

Key figures
689.00trained geoscientists
44.00African countries
27.00training sessions
14.00host countries
High visibility and close BRGM involvement
Feedback from the African geological surveys, the main beneficiaries of the training activities, is excellent, and the programme enjoys excellent visibility across the African continent.
About forty BRGM staff are working to coordinate the PanAfGeo project and supervise courses.

Number of geologists trained per country in 2017 and 2018.