The third issue of "R*, BRGM's Research Newsletter" is devoted to the Earth's regolith, whose future state will have a crucial effect on man's very existence on the planet.
1 December 2015
Erratic block in the Pyrénées, a remnant of the last ice age (Col de Puymorens, June 2015).
© BRGM - Hélène Tissoux
The regolith is an environment that contains many crucial components for the future of humans and their world. The superficial layers that make up the regolith are also essential for understanding the history of continental surfaces and the paleoclimates that affected them. BRGM has been studying them for nearly 15 years.
The regolith, a priority area of research
At BRGM, several projects are devoted to improving knowledge of the regolith and the Critical Zone, from dating and mapping formations to studying and modelling subsurface transfer mechanisms.
Scientific publications
Ouvrages généraux
- Dossier "Formations superficielles" coordonné par Caroline Ricordel-Prognon dans le numéro 121 de Géochronique (2012)
- Numéro spécial "Les Sols", numéro 18 de la revue Géosciences (2014) coordonné par Jacques Varet
Caractérisation et datation du régolithe - Evolution des paléosurfaces continentales, des profils d’altération et des paysages
- Barbarand J., Quesnel F., Pagel M., 2013. Lower Paleogene denudation of an Upper Cretaceous cover of the Morvan Massif and south eastern Paris Basin (France) revealed by AFT thermochronology and constrained by stratigraphy and paleosurfaces, Tectonophysics, 608, 1310-1327.
- Bauer H., Saint-Marc P., Bessin P., Châteauneuf J.-J., Bourdillon C., Wyns R., Guillocheau R., sous presse. The Cenozoic history of the Armorican Massif: new insights from the CDB1 deep borehole (Rennes Basin, France), accepté en 2015 à C.R. Geosciences.
- Bessin P., Guillocheau F., Robin C., Schroëtter J.-M., Bauer H., 2015. Planation surfaces of the Armorican Massif (western France): Denudation chronology of a Mesozoic land surface twice exhumed in response to relative crustal movements between Iberia and Eurasia, Geomorphology, 233, 75-91.
- Demoulin A., Quesnel F., Dupuis C., Gerienne P., Yans J., 2010. Cenomanian sands and clays north of the Vesdre Valley: the oldest known Cretaceous deposits in Eastern Belgium. Geologica Belgica, 11, 3, 241-256.
- Despriée J., Voinchet P., Tissoux H., Bahain J.J., Falguères, Courcimault G., Dépont J Moncel M.H., Robin S., Arzarello M., Sala R., Marquer L., Messager E., Puaud S., Abdessadok S. 2011. Lower and Middle Pleistocene Human Settlements Recorded in Fluvial Deposits of the Middle Loire River Basin, Centre Region, France. Quaternary Science Reviews, 30 (11-12), 1474-1485.
- Dugué O., Bourdillon C., Quesnel F. Lautridou J.-P. 2012, The Neogene and Lower Pleistocene crags of Upper Normandy: biostratigraphic revision and paleogeographic implications, CR Geosciences, 344, 415-422.
- Folcher N., Sevin B., Quesnel F., Lignier V., Allenbach M., Maurizot P & Cluzel D., 2015. Neogene terrestrial sediments: a record of the post-obduction history of New-Caledonia, Australian Journal of Earth Sciences, 62, 4, 479-492.
- Prognon F., Lacquement F., Ricordel-Prognon C., Quesnel F., Nehlig P., Courbouleix S., Karnay G., Thomas E., Martin P., Rambourg D., Lebret P., 2011. Regolith map of France. Quaternaire, vol.22/4.
- Ricordel-Prognon C., Lagroix F., Moreau M.-G., Thiry M., 2010. Lateritic paleoweathering profiles in French Massif Central: Paleomagnetic datings. Journal of Geophysical Research, 115, B10104, doi:10.1029/2010JB007419, 2010.
- Sevin B., Ricordel-Prognon C., Quesnel F., Cluzel D., Lesimple S., Maurizot P., 2012. First paleomagnetic dating of ferricrete in New Caledonia: new insight on the morphogenesis and paleoweathering of ‘Grande-Terre’. Terra Nova, 24, 77-85.
- Sevin B., Cluzel D., Maurizot P., Ricordel-Prognon C., Chaproniere G., Folcher N., Quesnel F., 2014. A drastic Lower Miocene regolith evolution triggered by post obduction slab break-off and uplift in New Caledonia, Tectonics, 33, 9, 1787-1801.
- Tissoux H., Despriée J., Voinchet P., Bahain J.-J., Falguères C. & Duvialard J., 2011. Intérêt de la datation par ESR d’un transect complet pour la compréhension d’un système fluviatile : exemple de la Vallée du Loir. Quaternaire, 22 (4), 343-355.
- Tissoux H., Prognon F., Voinchet P., Lacquement F., Tourlière B., Bahain J.-J., 2013. Apport des datations ESR à la connaissance des dépôts sableux plio-pléistocènes en Sologne, premiers résultats, Quaternaire, 24(2) 141-153.
- Tissoux H., Voinchet P., Lacquement F., Prognon F., Moreno D., Falguères C., Bahain J.-J., Toyoda S. 2012. Investigation on non-optically bleachable components of ESR aluminium signal in quartz. Radiation Measurements, 47 (9), 894-899.
- Tissoux H., Voinchet P., Lacquement F., Despriée J., sous presse. ESR as a method for the characterization of alluvial sediments. Radiation Measurements, Accepté en 2015.
- Wattinne A., Quesnel F., Guillou H., Mêlières F., Barbarand J., Bourdillon C., Baele J.-M., Yans J., 2010. Upper Cretaceous feldspars in the Cenozoic Limagne Basin: A key argument in reconstructing the palaeocover of the Massif Central (France). Palaeogeography, Palaoeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 298, 175-188.
Caractérisation et cartographie des sols par méthodes géophysiques et télédétection
- Ciampalini A., André F., Garfagnoli F., Grandjean G., Lambot S., Chiarantini L., Moretti S., 2015. Improved estimation of soil clay content by the fusion of remote hyperspectral and proximal geophysical sensing, Journal of Applied Geophysics, 116, 135-145.
- Dufréchou G., Grandjean G., Bourguignon A., 2015. Geometrical analysis of laboratory soil spectra in the short-wave infrared domain: Clay composition and estimation of the swelling potential », Geoderma, 243244, 92 107.
- Coulouma G., Samyn K., Grandjean G., Follain S., Lagacherie P., 2012. Combining seismic and electric methods for predicting bedrock depth along a Mediterranean soil toposequence, Geoderma, 170, 39-47.
- Grandjean G., Cerdan O., Richard G., Cousin I., Lagacherie P., Tabbagh A., Van Wesemael B., Stevens A., Lambot S., Carré F., Maftei R., Hermann T., Thörnelöf M., Chiarantini L., Moretti S., McBratney A. B., Ben Dor E., 2010. DIGISOIL: An integrated system of data collection for technologies for mapping soil properties. Proximal soil Sensing, Progress in Soil Science, 1, 89-101.
- Grandjean G. & Guérin R., 2013. Caractérisation physique des sols par métthodes géophysiques et télédétection : bilan et perspectives, Etude et gestion des sols, 20, 2, 71-80.
- Hohmann A., Gourdier S., Bourguignon A., 2015. Mapping of explansive clay soils from image combined with in situ and laboratory data sets, SEC proceedings, 2015, p. 505.
- Laroche B., Richer de Forges A., Saby N., Martelet G., Tourlière B., Deparis J., Messner F., Wetterlind J., Moulin J., Froger D., Arrouays D., 2013. Potentiel de la spectrométrie gamma aéroportée pour la cartographie des sols et du régolithe : une mini-revue et des premiers exemples en régions Centre et Limousin, Etude et Gestion des Sols, vol. 20, p. 15-26.
- Martelet G., Drufin S., Tourliere B., Saby N.P.A., Perrin J., Deparis J., Prognon F., Jolivet C., Ratié C., Arrouays D., 2013. Regional regolith parameters prediction using the proxy of airborne gamma ray spectrometry, Vadoze Zone Journal, 12 (4) - doi:10.2136/vzj2013.01.0003.
- Werban U., Bartholomeus H., Dietrich P., Grandjean G., Zacharias S., 2013. Digital Soil Mapping: Approaches to integrate sensing techniques to the prediction of key soil properties, Vadose zone Journal, 5 DOI:10.2136/vzj2013.10.0178.
- Wetterlind J., Tourlière B., Martelet G., Deparis J., Saby N.P.A., Richer de Forges A.C., Arrouays D., 2012. Are there any effects of the agricultural use of chemical fertiliser on elements detected by airborne gamma-spectrometric surveys? - Geoderma, 173-174, 34-41.
Processus d’érosion et altération récents/actuels en surface et dans la zone critique
- Allègre C.J., Louvat P., Gaillardet J., Meynadier L., Rad S., Capmas F., 2010. The fundamental role of island arc weathering in the oceanic Sr isotope budget, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 292, 1-2, 15 51-56.
- Gaillardet J., Rad S., Rivé K., Louvat P., Gorge C., Allègre C.J., E. Lajeunesse, 2012. Orogaphy-driven chemical denudation in the Lesser Antilles: evidence for a new feed-back stabilizing atmospheric CO2. American Journal of Science. 311, 10, 851-894.
- Négrel Ph., Sadeghi M., Ladenberger A., Reimann C., Birke M. and the GEMAS Project Team. 2015. Geochemical fingerprinting and sources discrimination in soils at continental scale. Chemical Geology, 396, 1-15.
- Négrel Ph., Guerrot C., Pételet-Giraud E., Millot R., 2015. Lead isotopes tracing weathering and atmospheric deposition in a small volcanic catchment. CR Geosciences , 347, 236-246.
- Puyraveau R.-A., Rad S., Basile-Doelsch I., deparis J., Jaouën T., Nehlig P., 2014. Mayotte critical zone observatory : preliminary results on chemical weathering and erosion rates on volcanic edifices, Procedia Earth & Planetary Science, 10, 73-76.
- Rad S., Rivé K., Allègre C.-J., 2011. Weathering regime associated with subsurface circulation on volcanic islands, Aquatic Geochemistry, 17, 3, 221-241.
- Rad S., Rivé K., Vittecoq B. Cerdan O., Allègre C. J., 2013. Chemical weathering and erosion rates in Lesser Antilles: an overview in Guadeloupe, Martinique and Dominica. Journal of South American Earth Sciences, 45, 331-344.
- Rad S., Cerdan O., Rivé K., Grandjean G., 2011. Age of river basins in Guadeloupe impacting chemical weathering rates and land use, Applied Geochemistry, 26, 123-126.
- Rivé K., Rad S., Assayag N., 2013. Carbon sources and water-rock interactions in the Allier River, France, Procedia Earth and Planetary Science, 7, 713-716.
- Rivé, K., Gaillardet, J., Agrinier, P., Rad, S. 2013. Carbon isotopes in the rivers from the Lesser Antilles: origin of the carbonic acid consumed by weathering reactions in the Lesser Antilles. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms.38, 1020-1035.
- Thiéblemont D., 2013. Evidence for an aeolian origin of the Holocene lateritic surface cover of Gabon (Central Africa), In: Closing the gap, North Carpathian loess traverse in the Eurasian loess belt, 6th Loess Seminar, Wroclaw, Poland, Dedicated to Prof. Henryk Maruszczak, Edited by Zdzisław Jary, Norm Catto, Ian J. Smalley, Ludwig Zöller and Slobodan B. Marković, Quaternary International, 296, 176-197.
- Thiéblemont D., Fléhoc C., Ebang-Obiang M., Rigollet C., Prian J.-P., Prognon F., Geochronological arguments for a close relationship between surficial formation profiles and environmental crisis (c. 3000-2000 BP) in Gabon (Central Africa), C. R. Geosciences, 345, 272-283.
- Thiéblemont D., Guerrot C., Négrel Ph., Braucher R., Bourlès D.L., Thiéblemont R., 2014. Nd-isotope evidence for the distal provenance of the historical (c. <3000 BP) lateritic surface cover underlying the Equatorial forest in Gabon (Western Africa), Aeolian Research, 15, 177-192.
Impact du PETM (analogue au changement climatique actuel) en milieu continental à côtier
- Garel S., Schnyder J., Jacob J., Dupuis C., Boussafir M., Le Milbeau C., Storme J.-Y., Iakovleva A.I., Yans, Y., Baudin F., Fléhoc C., Quesnel F., 2013. Paleohydrological and paleoenvironmental changes recorded in terrestrial sediments of the Paleocene-Eocene boundary (Normandy, France), Palaeogeography, Palaoeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 376, 184-199.
- Garel S., Quesnel F., Jacob J., Roche E., Le Milbeau C., Dupuis C., boussafir M., Baudin F., Schnyder J., 2014. High frequency floral changes at the Paleocene-Eocene Boundary revealed by comparative biomarker and palynological studies, Organic Geochemistry, 77, 43-58
- Missiaen P., Quesnel F., Dupuis C., Storme J.-Y., Smith T., 2013. The earliest Eocene Mammal fauna of the Erquelinnes Sand Mb near the French-Belgian border, Geologica Belgica, 16, 4, 262-273.
- Smith, T., Dupuis, C., Folie, A., Quesnel, F., Storme, J.-Y., Iacumin, P., Riveline, J., Missiaen, P., Ladevèze, S., Yans, J., 2011. A new terrestrial vertebrate site just after the Paleocene–Eocene boundary in the Mortemer Formation of Upper Normandy, France. CR Palevol, 10, 11–20.
- Smith T., Quesnel F., De Ploëg G., De Franceschi D., Métais G., De Bast E., Solé F., Folie A., Boura A., Claude J., Dupuis C., Gagnaison C., Iakovleva A.I., Martin J., Maubert M., Prieur J., Roche E., Storme J.-Y.,Thomas T., Tong H., Yans J. & Buffetaut E., 2014. First Clarkforkian equivalent Land Mammal Age in the latest Paleocene basal Sparnacian facies of Europe: fauna, Flora, paleoenvironment and (bio)stratigraphy. PLoS ONE, 9 (1): e86229, 20 p. Doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0086229
- Storme J.-Y., Dupuis C., Schnyder J., Quesnel F., Garel S., Iakovleva A.I., Iacumin P., Di Matteo A., Sebilo M. Yans J., 2012. Cycles of humid-dry climate conditions around the P⁄E boundary: new stable isotope data from terrestrial organic matter in Vasterival section (NW France). Terra Nova, 24, 114–122.
- Quesnel F., 2015. Interactive comment on “A massive input of coarse-grained siliciclastics in the Pyrenean Basin during the PETM: the missing ingredient of a coeval abrupt change in hydrological regime” by V. Pujalte et al., Climate of the Past Discussions. 11, C1383-C1392, 2015.
Caractérisation des réservoirs d’eau en zone de socle altéré
- Lachassagne P., Wyns R., Dewandel B., 2011. The fracture permeability of Hard Rock Aquifers is due neither to tectonics, nor to unloading, but to weathering processes, Terra Nova, Review article, 23, 145–161,
- Wyns R. & Lachassagne P. Coord. Sc. , 2015. Aquifères de socle : le point sur les concepts et les applications opérationnelles, Volume des résumés du Colloque de l’Association Internationale des Hydrogéologues, 11-13 juin 2015, la Roche-Sur-Yon, Vendée, France, 129 p.