Geothermal energy, gas storage, energy storage, rare metals... the subsurface has significant potential for exploitation and production of resources for the energy transition.
6 April 2021
A "discussion diagram" used for planning eco-neighbourhoods and showing potential  points of entry for  geothermal heat

A "discussion diagram" used for planning eco-neighbourhoods and showing potential points of entry for geothermal heat (2011).


Energy Transition, understanding and defining subsurface challenges

Geosciences can provide the requisite knowledge and solutions for the energy mix and BRGM is a key player in France in terms of knowledge of the subsurface and its responsible use.

This is why many national and European partners, both private and public, are joining forces with BRGM to carry out large-scale projects aimed at gaining a better understanding of subsurface potential.

DEEPEGS team, 2020, Book of publications of the H2020-DEEPEGS project, part I, Editors: G.O Friðleifsson, S.G. Bogason, A.W. Stokłosa; H.P. Ingólfsson, Published by DEEPEGS Project Office ,290 p.

DEEPEGS team, 2020, Book of publications of the H2020-DEEPEGS project, part II, Editors: G.O Friðleifsson, S.G. Bogason, A.W. Stokłosa; H.P. Ingólfsson, Published by DEEPEGS Project Office, 55 p.

Pauwels H., Lambert M., and Genter A. (1991) - Valorisation des fluides géothermaux contenant du lithium en vue d’une production industrielle. Rapport BRGM-IMRG R 33547, 173 p.

Sanjuan B., Millot R., Innocent Ch., Dezayes Ch., Scheiber J., Brach M. (2016) - Main geochemical characteristics of geothermal brines collected from the granite basement in the Upper Rhine Graben and constraints on their deep temperature and circulation. Chemical Geology, 428, 27-47.

Sanjuan B., Gourcerol B., Millot R., Rettenmaier D., Jeandel E. (2020) - Geothermal lithium resource assessment in Europe. European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) Raw Materials EuGeLi Project, Confidential Deliverable D 0.1, 86 p.

P. Bedrikovetsky, D. Marchesin, F. Shecaira, A. Souza, P. Milanez, and E. Rezende, "Characterisation of deep bed filtration system from laboratory pressure drop measurements," Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, vol. 32, no. 2, pp. 167- 177, 2001.

Civan, Faruk. “Reservoir Formation Damage: fundamentals, modeling, assessment and mitigation.” Gulf Professional Publishing, 2015

Feia, Sadok, Jean Claude Dupla, Siavash Ghabezloo, Jean Sulem, Jean Canou, Atef Onaisi, Herbert Lescanne, and Eric Aubry. “Experimental Investigation of Particle Suspension Injection and Permeability Impairment in Porous Media.” Geomechanics for Energy and the Environment 3 (September): 24–39. 2015.

Murtaza Ali, Fadili Ali, Zitha Pacelli & van den Hoek, Paul. “Injectivity decline in ultra-filtered water flooding of high permeability sandstone reservoir.” Master of Science of Delft University of Technology, 2017.

Bernard Tardieu. Le climat, Sciences, diplomatie et solidarité. EDP Sciences, 2017

Stratégie d'utilisation des ressources du sous-sol pour la transition énergétique française. Les métaux rares. Rapport commun à l'académie des technologies et l'académie des sciences coordonné par Ghislain de Marsilly et Bernard Tardieu.

Lettre de la Recherche n°12