The Ministry for Ecological Transition and Territorial Cohesion, Cerema and BRGM are organising the Karst seminar to be held in Orléans on 4 and 5 April 2024.
Cover of the guide entitled "Aléa mouvements de terrain d'origine karstique en contexte carbonaté - Évaluation et cartographie" ("Risk of karstic ground movements in a carbonate context - Assessment and mapping") - BRGM, Cerema (2023)

Cover of the guide entitled "Aléa mouvements de terrain d'origine karstique en contexte carbonaté - Évaluation et cartographie" ("Risk of karstic ground movements in a carbonate context - Assessment and mapping") - BRGM, Cerema (2023).

© BRGM / Cerema

This event will provide an opportunity to present the methodological guidebook "Aléa mouvements de terrain d'origine karstique" co-published by BRGM and Cerema in 2023 with funding from the general directorate for risk prevention (DGPR - Direction Générale de la Prévention des Risques), and to discuss karst issues more broadly through technical presentations and visits.


  • Thursday 4 April 2024:
    • Indoors: Raising awareness of karst phenomena (origins, processes, consequences, hazard assessment, prevention methods, examples).
  • Friday 5 April 2024:
    • Introducing the theme through visits to karst sites and worksites in the Val d'Orléans. The visits are scheduled to end at 2pm. 


  • BRGM, 3 Avenue Claude-Guillemin, 45060 Orléans