The MétéEAU Nappes website is an innovative platform that supports decision-making for groundwater management. It enables users to monitor groundwater levels in real time and to establish forecasts of future levels.
Home page of the MétéEAU Nappes website.
Developed by BRGM, the MétéEAU Nappes website is a tool that monitors the real-time status of water tables in France and forecasts changes in their levels.
A tool to assist in groundwater management
MétéEAU Nappes is a genuine decision-support tool for managing water resources in sensitive areas. It provides a range of useful services to help manage low-water periods or the risk of flooding due to rising water tables:
- Display of the water table status for the day in question and forecasts for the future, thanks to a web service that calculates the Standardised Piezometric Level Indicator (SPLI) for real-time piezometric data as well as for forecast data.
- Real-time collection and dissemination of groundwater data (approximately 1,500 piezometers out of the 1,600 managed by BRGM automatically provide data on a daily basis).
- Provision of the most recent data available concerning surface water and rainfall.
- Decision-support service for regional water management (integration of piezometric thresholds for usage restrictions based on Prefectoral drought-situation decrees).
- Maps and graph curves updated on each login date (dynamic information).
- Automatic monthly updates of predictive groundwater level data.
- Restricted access feature for consulting specific models or a particular geographical area, etc.
- Application Programming Interface (API) enabling direct data exchanges with MétéEAU Nappes.