Consideration of soil quality in urban planning
Our solutions… occupies and wasteland is re-qualified by reclaiming abandoned spaces, in order to stem the growing phenomenon of soil artificialisation and loss of agricultural land. However, the chemical characteristics of the soils are often poorly known, … -
Ecological reconstruction of degraded soils to improve ecosystem services
Reference, completed project… taken into account, with biodiversity becoming a central factor. This intention is embodied in regulatory texts (Zero Net Artificialisation, Biodiversity Act, etc.), but this is a broad topic considered on a general, not specialised level. During … sites in urban and suburban areas. The tendency is to favour the construction of “cities on top of cities”, to reduce the artificialisation of the ground. But there are very few operational tools, methods or indicators to guide the design of such … -
Pollutec 2023
Trade Fair… the reconstruction and refunctionalisation of soils, actions that take on even greater significance with the Zero Net Artificialisation Act (ZAN - Zéro Artificialisation Nette ) and the problems of renaturation and re-infiltration of water in urban environments. This is now an … out more Traceability of Waste / Excavated earth and the AGEC Act - The National Waste Register (RNDTS - Registre national des déchets) and the Trackdéchets platform Circular Economy forum – Thursday 12 October, 1.10 pm -1.55 pm The management of …