Hosted by IFPEN on 5 February 2024, this year's RDV des Régions (meeting of the Regions) will focus on the theme of the urban subsurface, its development and resilience. BRGM, Avenia, IFPEN and the Institut Carnot ISIFoR are co-organising this conference.

Practical information
5 February 2024
IFPEN (Amphi Séquoias)
1-4 Avenue du Bois Préau
92852 Rueil-Malmaison
On the programme for the RDV des Régions in Île-de-France
Registration & refreshments - 9 am - 9.30 am
1 - Opening session - 09.30 am - 10.15 am
- Welcoming speech by the Chairman of IFPEN - Pierre-Franck Chevet
- Presentation of the agenda by the Director of AVENIA - Thibaut Heimermann
- Speech by Jean-Philippe Dugoin-Clément, Vice-Chairman of the Île-de-France Regional Council with responsibility for Housing, Sustainable Development and the Île de France Master Plan (SDRIF-E)
2 - Geological context of the Île-de-France region (BRGM/IFPEN) - 10.15 am - 11.15 am
- Explanatory map of subsurface issues in Paris and the surrounding area by BRGM (Florence Quesnel)
- Geological repository of France and the PEPR "Subsurface, a common good" by BRGM (Isabelle Halfon and Pascal Audigane)
- Subsurface modelling by IFPEN (Luca Mattioni)
Pitches (2)
Break - 11.20 am - 11.45 am
3 - Geothermal energy - 11.45 am - 12.30 pm
- Regional context by ADEME's Île-de-France geothermal energy coordinator - Armand Pomard
- Presentation of the exploration project to the west of Île-de-France (deep geothermal energy) by BRGM (Camille Maurel)
- Driller training by CELSIUS ENERGY
Pitches (2)
Lunch - 12.35 pm - 1 pm
4 - Regional planning - 2.00 pm - 3.00 pm
- Introduction by the Institut Paris Région (to be confirmed)
- Water resource management - context and challenges (to be confirmed)
- Adaptations and resource management strategies to cope with the impacts of climate change, by SUEZ with Olivier Gaillard and Max Mentha
- Mobility and transport - geotechnical aspects, by Société du Grand Paris with Thierry Huyghues-Beaufond
Pitch sequences (2)
5 - Comparing notes with the city of Montreal - 3.05 pm to 3.30 pm - with Philippe Pasquier from Polytechnique Montréal
6 - Workshop - 3.30 pm - 5 pm
- What contribution can the subsurface sectors make to the new SDRIF-E?
7- Workshop feedback - 5 pm - 5.30 pm
8- Networking evening and dinner in Rueil-Malmaison - 7.00 pm