InfoGéol mobile application.
Geolocated data on rocks and geological layers
InfoGéol provides access from anywhere in France to information from the 1/1 000 000 and 1/50 000 geological maps of France and to geological logs from the BRGM's BSS databank on subsoils.
Available free of charge for iPhone / iPad and Android
The smartphone version displays lithographic and stratigraphic information for a given locality or sector. The main geological terms are given with their definitions (types of rocks, ages and lithology).
The tablet version will also locate boreholes with geological information on a map, with displays in log form showing lithological and stratigraphic information in vertical columns. It also displays geological sections digitised from printed geological maps.
The data from InfoGéol covers different fields of application:
- Geological map information (outcrops, geological sections),
- Sampling data.