Exemple de recul d’un glacier de montagne entre 2000 et 2008 (glacier d’Athabasca, parc de Jasper, Alberta, Canada).
© BRGM - Audrey Baills
Le changement climatique a et aura des impacts en termes de risques naturels. Les chercheurs du BRGM développent aujourd’hui les outils permettant, à partir de différents scénarios climatiques, de mieux anticiper les conséquences probables des phénomènes impliqués et d’accompagner la décision publique pour y faire face.
Publications scientifiques
Chaumillon, E., Bertin, X., Fortunato, A.B., Bajo, M., Schneider, J.L., Dezileau, L., Walsh, J.P., Michelot, A., Chauveau, E., Creach, A., Henaff, A., Sauzeau, T., Waeles, B., Gervais, B., Jan, G., Baumann, J., Breilh, J.F., and Pedreros, R. 2017. Storm-induced marine flooding: Lessons from a multidisciplinary approach. Earth-Science Reviews 165: 151-184. doi: 10.1016/j.earscirev.2016.12.005.
Dagois, R., Faure, P., Bataillard, P., Bouzouidja, R., Coussy, S., Leguedois, S., Enjelvin, N., and Schwartz, C. 2017. From atmospheric- to pedo-climate modeling in Technosols: A global scale approach. Geoderma 301: 47-59. doi: 10.1016/j.geoderma.2017.04.011.
Ettinger, S., Mounaud, L., Magill, C., Yao-Lafourcade, A.F., Thouret, J.C., Manville, V., Negulescu, C., Zuccaro, G., De Gregorio, D., Nardone, S., Uchuchoque, J.A.L., Arguedas, A., Macedo, L., and Llerena, N.M. 2016. Building vulnerability to hydro-geomorphic hazards: Estimating damage probability from qualitative vulnerability assessment using logistic regression. Journal of Hydrology 541: 563-581. doi: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2015.04.017.
Garcin, M., Vende-Leclerc, M., Maurizot, P., Le Cozannet, G., Robineau, B., and Nicolae-Lerma, A. 2016. Lagoon islets as indicators of recent environmental changes in the South Pacific - The New Caledonian example. Continental Shelf Research 122: 120-140. doi: 10.1016/j.csr.2016.03.025.
Girard, C., Pulido-Velazquez, M., Rinaudo, J.D., Page, C., and Caballero, Y. 2015. Integrating top-down and bottom-up approaches to design global change adaptation at the river basin scale. Global Environmental Change-Human and Policy Dimensions 34: 132-146. doi: 10.1016/j.gloenvcha.2015.07.002.
Herrera, G., Mateos, R.M., Garcia-Davalillo, J.C., Grandjean, G., Poyiadji, E., Maftei, R., Filipciuc, T.C., Auflic, M.J., Jez, J., Podolszki, L., Trigila, A., Iadanza, C., Raetzo, H., Kociu, A., Przylucka, M., Kulak, M., Sheehy, M., Pellicer, X.M., McKeown, C., Ryan, G., Kopackova, V., Frei, M., Kuhn, D., Hermanns, R.L., Koulermou, N., Smith, C.A., Engdahl, M., Buxo, P., Gonzalez, M., Dashwood, C., Reeves, H., Cigna, F., Liscak, P., Paudits, P., Mikulenas, V., Demir, V., Raha, M., Quental, L., Sandic, C., Fusi, B., and Jensen, O.A. 2018. Landslide databases in the Geological Surveys of Europe. Landslides 15(2): 359-379. doi: 10.1007/s10346-017-0902-z.
Idier, D., Paris, F., Le Cozannet, G., Boulahya, F., and Dumas, F. 2017. Sea-level rise impacts on the tides of the European Shelf. Continental Shelf Research 137: 56-71. doi: 10.1016/j.csr.2017.01.007.
Le Cozannet, G., Manceau, J.C., and Rohmer, J. 2017. Bounding probabilistic sea-level projections within the framework of the possibility theory. Environmental Research Letters 12(1): 11. doi: 10.1088/1748-9326/aa5528.
Le Cozannet, G., Rohmer, J., Cazenave, A., Idier, D., van de Wal, R., de Winter, R., Pedreros, R., Balouin, Y., Vinchon, C., and Oliveros, C. 2015. Evaluating uncertainties of future marine flooding occurrence as sea-level rises. Environmental Modelling & Software 73: 44-56. doi: 10.1016/j.envsoft.2015.07.021.
Le Roy, S., Stepanian, A., Pedreros, R., Bulteau, T., Nicolae-Lerma, A., and Balouin, Y. 2016. Assessing coastal flooding hazard in urban areas: the case of estuarian villages in the city of Hyeres-les-Palmiers. In 3rd European Conference on Flood Risk Management. Edited by M. Lang and F. Klijn and P. Samuels. E D P Sciences.
Lerma, A.N., Bulteau, T., Elineau, S., Paris, F., Durand, P., Anselme, B., and Pedreros, R. 2018. High-resolution marine flood modelling coupling overflow and overtopping processes: framing the hazard based on historical and statistical approaches. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 18(1): 207-229. doi: 10.5194/nhess-18-207-2018.
Martin, E., Gascoin, S., Grusson, Y., Murgue, C., Bardeau, M., Anctil, F., Ferrant, S., Lardy, R., Le Moigne, P., Leenhardt, D., Rivalland, V., Perez, J.M.S., Sauvage, S., and Therond, O. 2016. On the Use of Hydrological Models and Satellite Data to Study the Water Budget of River Basins Affected by Human Activities: Examples from the Garonne Basin of France. Surveys in Geophysics 37(2): 223-247. doi: 10.1007/s10712-016-9366-2.
Melet, A., Meyssignac, B., Almar, R., and Le Cozannet, G. 2018. Under-estimated wave contribution to coastal sea-level rise. Nature Climate Change 8(3): 234-+. doi: 10.1038/s41558-018-0088-y.
Robinet, A., Castelle, B., Idier, D., Le Cozannet, G., Deque, M., and Charles, E. 2016. Statistical modeling of interannual shoreline change driven by North Atlantic climate variability spanning 2000-2014 in the Bay of Biscay. Geo-Marine Letters 36(6): 479-490. doi: 10.1007/s00367-016-0460-8.
Rohmer, J., Lecacheux, S., Pedreros, R., Quetelard, H., Bonnardot, F., and Idier, D. 2016. Dynamic parameter sensitivity in numerical modelling of cyclone-induced waves: a multi-look approach using advanced meta-modelling techniques. Natural Hazards 84(3): 1765-1792. doi: 10.1007/s11069-016-2513-8.