R*, la lettre de la Recherche du BRGM n°11 est consacrée aux géosciences prédictives. Le BRGM s’investit ainsi dans de nombreux projets, nationaux et internationaux.
1 septembre 2020
Modélisation 3D d’une ancienne exploitation souterraine dans les Monts d’Ambazac.
© BRGM – Sylvain Yart
Mieux comprendre pour mieux anticiper l’exploitation du sous-sol
Dans un contexte d’urbanisation croissante et de changement climatique pressant, les recherches menées par le BRGM, dans le domaine des géosciences prédictives, doivent pouvoir répondre aux enjeux du sous-sol du 21e siècle.
Les équipes du BRGM ont pour mission, entre autres, de développer des outils prédictifs numériques de simulation et de cartographie afin d’accompagner les gestionnaires publics et privés dans les décisions de gestion et d’exploitation du sous-sol, à de grandes échelles de temps.
Publications scientifiques
- Melet, A., Meyssignac, B., Almar, R. and Le Cozannet, G., 2018. Under-estimated wave contribution to coastal sea-level rise. Nature Climate Change, 8(3), pp.234-239
- Rohmer, J., Le Cozannet, G. and Manceau, J.C., 2019. Addressing ambiguity in probabilistic assessments of future coastal flooding using possibility distributions. Climatic Change, 155(1), pp.95-109
- Le Cozannet, G., Thieblemont, R., Rohmer, J., Idier, D., Manceau, J.C. and Quique, R., 2019. Low-end probabilistic sea-level projections. Water, 11(7), p.1507.
- Le Cozannet, G., Bulteau, T., Castelle, B., Ranasinghe, R., Wöppelmann, G., Rohmer, J., Bernon, N., Idier, D., Louisor, J. and Salas-y-Mélia, D., 2019. Quantifying uncertainties of sandy shoreline change projections as sea level rises. Scientific reports, 9(1), pp.1-11.
- Thiéblemont, R., Le Cozannet, G., Toimil, A., Meyssignac, B. and Losada, I.J., 2019. Likely and High-End Impacts of Regional Sea-Level Rise on the Shoreline Change of European Sandy Coasts Under a High Greenhouse Gas Emissions Scenario. Water, 11(12), p.2607
- Toimil, A., Camus, P., Losada, I.J., Le Cozannet, G., Nicholls, R.J., Idier, D. and Maspataud, A., 2020. Climate change-driven coastal erosion modelling in temperate sandy beaches: Methods and uncertainty treatment. Earth-Science Reviews, p.103110.
- Gourcerol B., Gloaguen E., Melleton J., Tuduri J., Galiegue X. 2019. Re-assessing the European lithium resource potential – A review of hard-rock resources and metallogeny. Ore Geology Reviews, 109, 494-519.
- Gautneb H., Gloaguen E., Törmänen T. 2020. "Lithium, Cobalt and Graphite occurrences in Europe, Results from GeoEra FRAME project wp 5." EGU General Assembly 2020, Vienna, Austria, 3-8 May 2020, Abstract EGU2020-7025.
- de Oliveira D.P.S., Ferreira M.J., Sadeghi M., Arvanitidis N., Decrée S., Gautneb H., Gloaguen E., Törmänen T., Reginiussen H., Sievers H., Quental L., Wittenberg A. 2020. "FRAME’s (Forecasting and Assessing Europe’s Strategic Raw Materials Needs) contribution to the “European Green Deal”. EGU General Assembly 2020, Vienna, Austria, 3-8 May 2020, Abstract EGU2020-5950.
- Gloaguen E., Gourcerol B., Melleton J., Tourlière B., Bertrand G., Caddard D. 2019. L’approche hybride métallogénie et prédictivité appliquée à l’exemple du Lithium. Géosciences hors-série, Octobre 2019, p. 87.
- Sadeghi M., Bertrand G., Gautneb H., Gloaguen E., Törmänen T. 2019. Preliminary prospectivity mapping on energy critical elements (Lithium- cobalt- Graphite) in Europe. FRAME Newsletter, Issue 4, october 2019, p. 5. http://www.frame.lneg.pt
- Knežević J., Gautneb H., Gloaguen E., Törmänen T. 2019. Updated version of the Cobalt –Lithium and Graphite deposit map. FRAME Newsletter, Issue 3, june 2019, pp. 7-8. http://www.frame.lneg.pt
- Gloaguen E., Knežević J., Gautneb H., Törmänen T. 2019. FRAME WP 5: Lithium rush as highlighted by Exploration permits throughout Europe. FRAME Newsletter, Issue 3, june 2019, p 4. http://www.frame.lneg.pt
- Gloaguen E., Melleton J., Lefebvre G., Tourlière B., S. Yart avec la collaboration de B. Gourcerol. 2018. Ressources métropolitaines en lithium et analyse du potentiel par méthodes de prédictivité. Rapport final. Rapport BRGM/RP-68321-FR, 128 p, BRGM, Orléans. http://infoterre.brgm.fr/rapports/RP-68321-FR.pdf
- Bouvier, C., Balouin, Y., & Castelle, B. (2017). Video monitoring of sandbar-shoreline response to an offshore submerged structure at a microtidal beach. Geomorphology, 295, 297-305.
- Bouvier, C., Balouin, Y., Castelle, B., & Holman, R. (2019). Modelling camera viewing angle deviation to improve nearshore video monitoring. Coastal Engineering, 147, 99-106.
- Bouvier, C., Castelle, B., & Balouin, Y. (2019). Modeling the impact of the implementation of a submerged structure on surf zone sandbar dynamics. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 7(4), 117.
- Bouvier, C., Castelle, B., Balouin, Y., Splinter, K., Blacka, M., & Dubarbier, B. (2019, May). CROSS-SHORE SANDBARS RESPONSE TO AN ARTIFICIAL REEF: AN INTERSITE COMPARISON. In Coastal Sediments' 19.
- Bouvier, C., Balouin, Y., Castelle, B., & Valentini, N. (2020). Video Depth Inversion at a Microtidal Site Exposed to Prevailing Low-energy Short-period Waves and Episodic Severe Storms. Journal of Coastal Research, 95(sp1), 1021-1026.
- Dutka, F.; Starchenko, V.; Osselin, F.; Magni, S.; Szymczak, P. & Ladd, A. J. (2020) Time-dependent shapes of a dissolving mineral grain: comparisons of simulations with microfluidic experiments. Chemical Geology, 119459.
- Roman, S., Soulaine, C, & Kovscek, A.R. (2020) Pore-scale visualization and characterization of viscous dissipation in porous media. Journal of colloid and interface science, 558, 269-279.
- Molins, S.; Soulaine, C.; Prasianakis, N.I.; Abbasi, A.; Poncet, P.; Ladd, A. J.; Starchenko, V.; Roman, S.; Trebotich, D.; Tchelepi, H.A. & others (2020) Simulation of mineral dissolution at the pore scale with evolving fluid-solid interfaces: Review of approaches and benchmark problem set. Computational Geosciences.
- Hulin C., Mercury L. (2019) Regeneration of capillary water in unsaturated zones. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 265, 279-291.
- Tournassat, C., & Steefel, C.I. (2019) Reactive transport modeling of coupled processes in nanoporous media. Reviews in Mineralogy & Geochemistry, 85, 75-109.
- Hulin, C. & Mercury, L. (2019) Capillarity-driven supersolubility in dual-porosity systems. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 252, 144 – 158
- Soulaine, C., Roman, S., Kovscek, A., Tchelepi, H.A., (2018) Pore-scale modelling of multiphase reactive flow: application to mineral dissolution with production of CO2 Journal of Fluid Mechanics 855, 616–645.