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Cliffs on the Route de la Corniche coastal road (Urrugne, Pyrénées-Atlantiques, 2016).
© Observatoire de la Côte Aquitaine / Com' by AVM
Your challenges and needs
Populations and regions face increasingly intense and frequent natural phenomena related to climate change and must therefore adapt and become resilient.
BRGM is involved in the study of phenomena affecting the coastline, producing predictive scenarios to better prevent hydro-climatic and terrestrial risks, providing crisis management support in the event of natural disasters and predicting regional and local resilience and adaptability to climate change in the longer term.
BRGM expertise makes a contribution on different levels of the risk value chain:
- Observation: observatories, measurements and analyses, characterisation, dissemination of knowledge, history, feedback.
- Risk prevention: coastline erosion/recession, marine submersion, climate change, modelling.
- Resilience and adaptation: exposure/risks, statistics, AI, social sciences and behaviour, adaptation strategies, soft methods based on nature-based solutions (NBS) .
- Preparation: setting up exercises, developing crisis management tools, training, participative science, serious games.
- Crisis management: warning system, crisis support, database, Web services.
Our added value
BRGM offers a range of services on mainland, overseas and international seaboards and on sandy, rocky and soft shorelines, estuaries, islands and lakes.
Hazard and risk assessment
- Submergence and coastal erosion risks (e.g. coastline mapping).
- Hydrosedimentary dynamics and characterisation.
- Taking account of climate change (sea levels, cyclones, storms).
- Cascading, multiple and concomitant risks.
- Risks from Natural Hazards at Hazardous Installations (NATECH), threshold effects.
- Coastal observatory network (regular long-term monitoring).
- Statistical data processing, determining and characterising extreme events, attributing climate/anthropogenic change, AI.
- Operation and feedback, support for coastal zone management.
- Uncertainty assessment.
- Modelling submergence, tsunami and hydro-sedimentary dynamics.
- Observation and experimentation.
- Referential, standard and regulatory approaches (e.g. seabed integrity).
Protection solutions, resilience, management strategies, adaptation
- Managing and searching for sand stocks.
- Stability of coastlines and structures, vulnerability studies.
- Resilience and protection solutions.
- Nature-based solutions.
- Adaptation to rising sea levels, sea level web services.
Crisis management
- Operational systems, forecasting and support for crisis exercises (tsunamis, marine submersion).