Front cover of the protocol for recycling excavated soil on farmland in La Réunion
The need
Recycling excavated soil from public works and construction (BTP) sites is a widespread practice on agricultural land in La Réunion. However, these practices are regularly subject to abuses (illegal backfilling, dumping in protected areas or gullies, etc.) which have a direct impact on the environment and can have negative effects on the businesses of the companies and farmers involved (police notices). Consequently, a clear protocol needed to be established, in line with the current waste recovery regulations.
The results
In collaboration with DEAL Réunion and the Economic Unit of the public works and construction sector in La Réunion (CERBTP), BRGM established an inventory of existing practices and assessed the needs of farmers and construction/public works companies. This process allowed us to identify the main sticking points and study potential solutions for improving practices. Thanks to the work of several working groups, involving the various players concerned (project owners, contractors, farmers, agricultural contractors, the French government), a coordinated protocol was established concerning the recycling of excavated soil from public works and construction, with a view to improving agricultural land and in compliance with regulations.
Financed by the DEAL (Planning and Housing Department), this project was co-constructed by all the parties involved. The collaborative nature of the process adds genuine value to the protocol, which addresses everyone's needs and expectations. Project owners are reassured that their excavated soil will be properly managed, and the needs of farmers and construction companies have been taken into account. We have also produced an information brochure, and BRGM is continuing to provide support by taking part in the meetings aimed at raising awareness about the tool.
Exploitation de canne à sucre sur les pentes de l’île de La Réunion.
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Using the results
The protocol established constitutes a genuine best-practice guide, adapted to the specific context of La Réunion, providing stakeholders with a comprehensive overview of the legal and regulatory conditions applicable to operations involving the recycling of excavated soil on agricultural land. It concerns agronomic development and/or reclamation projects. The recycling of soil remains a voluntary process, based on a win-win agreement concluded between the soil producer (project owner/company) and the farmer. The methodology proposed aims to ensure the security and legality of the operations, by guaranteeing the quality and traceability of the soil. Solutions are also available to establish links between supply and demand, facilitating contacts between suppliers and customers.
The partners
- CERBTP (Economic Unit of the public works and construction (BTP) sector in La Réunion)
- DEAL Réunion