The need
Several areas in the Pays de la Loire region suffer from a chronic shortage of water resources (both groundwater and surface water) during low-water periods. This has a major impact on the ecological status of watercourses and can lead to conflicts of use. In this region, as in other parts of France, managing water resources and abstractions is an increasingly pressing issue. In view of this situation and the already tangible consequences of climate change, it is increasingly important for the various entities to increase and share their knowledge in order to address regional challenges.
In this context, the PRELEV'EAU project was set up by BRGM, the Loire-Britanny Water Agency and the DREAL of the Pays de la Loire to identify and develop digital services based on abstraction data for all the regional stakeholders involved in water resource management.
The results
The first phase of the review involved a series of consultations between BRGM and the various producers and users of extraction data, in the form of questionnaires, bilateral interviews and workshops for a wider panel of local stakeholders.
This collaborative work helped to identify key needs and expectations:
- Define and use a unique identifier for each abstraction point;
- Share a common language and procedures with simplified exchange models;
- Improve the nature and qualification of the data currently available (access, location, completeness, reliability, time interval);
- Simplify the procedures for declaring water abstractions, taking into account all water intake structures, including for domestic use;
- Meet the need for a pertinent system of water resource management, taking into account the need to access operational, cross-referenced and up-to-date data (management of low-water periods);
- Develop a database solution (tool and procedures) that can be used by different types of organisation (local authorities, water boards, SAGE local water committees in particular).
At the same time, by collecting data from local stakeholders (DDT departmental directorate, drinking water supply boards, collective water management entities, SAGE committees, etc.) and analysing the various datasets (state of the databases, absence of data, inconsistencies, etc., as well as any access limitations), the project team was able to draw up an overview of the existing abstraction data for the region.
Based on this, a list was drawn up with the minimum number of fields necessary to meet most needs and develop a data model. Finally, the project drew up an initial plan for a platform to pool abstraction data, while also providing display and extraction tools.
Using the results
This suggested platform for exchanging water abstraction data in the Pays de Loire region is intended to pool and simplify access to information for both users and producers, in a secure environment.
In the medium term, the objective is also to suggest processes for the expectations identified, such as conducting assessments at regional level (catchment area, body of water, etc.) or assessing the effectiveness of decree-based measures to limit abstractions.
This platform was also developed for use in other regions affected by water resource shortages in low-water periods.
The partners
- DREAL Pays de Loire
- Loire-Brittany Water Agency