PanAfGeo project overview
Cooperation between Africa and Europe in geosciences training
PanAfGeo is a unique pan-African geosciences training project led by BRGM, based on cooperation between the African Union and the European Union. It supports the training of staff in the African geological surveys, strengthening their skills and knowledge.
Through this project, participants are able to acquire practical tools, methods and knowledge in several geoscientific fields:
- geoscientific mapping,
- mineral resources assessment,
- artisanal and small-scale mining,
- geohazards,
- environmental management of mines,
- geoheritage,
- geoscientific information management,
- communication and dissemination.
Co-funded by the European Union and a consortium of European geological surveys since 2016, PanAfGeo is helping to strengthen collaboration between the associations of European geological surveys (EuroGeoSurveys) and African geological surveys (OAGS), as well as contributing to the Africa-EU partnership.
The project involved two phases, the first between 2016 and 2019 and the second between 2021 and 2024. Overall, the project represents an investment of around €20 million.
1750 African geoscientists from the 54 African countries trained between 2016 and 2024
Final results of the two phases of the PanAfGeo project (2016-2024).
© PanAfGeo
Between 2021 and 2024, PanAfGeo organised 30 training sessions in English, French and Portuguese, allowing 665 participants from 53 African geological surveys to study a range of topics: geoscientific mapping, mineral resources assessment, artisanal and small-scale mining, geoheritage, environmental management of mines, geohazards, geoscientific information management and, communication and dialogue in geoscience. The trainings were all organised in Africa, with the involvement of 17 host countries.
Almost 1,750 African geoscientists (60% men and 40% women) from 54 African countries were able to take part in PanAfGeo, organised in two phases between 2016 and 2024. A total of 22 African host countries hosted 72 training sessions. This is a unique result for a geosciences project on the African continent.
BRGM, coordinator of the PanAfGeo project
BRGM is coordinating this major cooperation project between Europe and Africa.
The French geological survey is also involved from a scientific standpoint. It is responsible for the geoscientific information management work-package, as well as for the training sessions in geoscientific mapping, artisanal and small-scale mining, geoheritage, governance and communication-mediation.
The project is an opportunity for BRGM to consolidate its skills and knowledge in geosciences at international level, while forging long-term strategic partnerships with its European and African counterparts, as well as with international institutions such as the European Union, the African Union, UNESCO and OAGS.
Support for geosciences and technologies: the new PanAfGeo+ programme
The PanAfGeo initiative continues with a new programme, « PanAfGeo+ / Support to Geosciences and Technologies », which will be co-funded by the European Union between 2025 and 2029.
PanAfGeo+ will seek to:
- Strengthen institutional partnerships between the EU and Africa in the geosciences field at continental, regional and national levels;
- Continue to strengthen African geological surveys and OAGS through geoscientific intelligence and national, regional and continental support for policy-making and planning processes;
- Promote economic partnerships between the EU and Africa for the value chains of critical raw materials, as initiated with the AfricaMaVal project.