On 12 November 2018 in Antony in the Paris region, the BRGM and Andra signed a new agreement extending their 20-year partnership for a further 4 years.
12 November 2018
Signature of the new BRGM-Andra agreement

Michèle Rousseau, Chair and Executive Director of the BRGM, and Pierre-Marie Abadie, Executive Director of Andra, sign the new BRGM-Andra partnership agreement on 12 November 2018, at the Vasarely conference centre in Antony (Paris region).


On 12 November 2018, during a day of scientific discussions marking the 20th year of the Andra-BRGM partnership, Pierre-Marie Abadie, Andra's Executive Director, and Michèle Rousseau, the BRGM's Chair and Executive Director, signed a new agreement extending the R&D partnership between the two organisations. 

Four common areas for R&D

The BRGM and Andra, France's national agency for radioactive waste management, have been working in partnership since 1998. Under the new agreement, Andra and the BRGM have set out four main common areas for R&D:

  • geology, hydrogeology and geophysics, their traditional areas of collaboration; 
  • instrumentation, information systems and data mining, and especially monitoring needs for storage reservoirs and their surrounding natural areas;
  • digital simulations to track changes in storage and environmental conditions over large scales in space and time;
  • geochemistry and transfers to refine our understanding of the phenomena at work in the geological environment and in storage reservoirs and the digital models representing them.