A recognized specialist in the analysis of mineral and organic matter, BRGM is inaugurating a new testing platform to better understand the transfer of pollutants into the ground and find ways of remediating this.
3 February 2020
Cover of the press kit

Cover of the press kit.


With the inauguration of the PRIME research and innovation platforms in February 2020, BRGM is continuing its long tradition of innovation and laboratory research. The diversity of its analytical equipment and the professional competence of its personnel make it a key player in geoscience consultancy.

Featured in this press kit

Research: discovering the elements of matter

The discovery of the constituent elements of minerals involved in the process of rock formation is inseparable from laboratory research.

Innovation: PRIME, a ground-breaking testing laboratory

The French geological survey inaugurates the multi-metric test prototype for the PRIME research platform in its scientific centre. The installation will complete a particularly advanced environmental instrumentation facility.

Experimentation with world-class instruments

Laboratories are an essential part of BRGM's activity and expertise. BRGM has a world-class array of instruments at its disposal that is constantly improving our understanding of the subsurface. These enable analysis of the physical and chemical properties of rocks, the study of their atomic structure, comparison of samples and observation of the transport and transformation of elements: BRGM has a world-class array of instruments that enable us to improve our understanding of the subsoil.

Laboratories: BRGM at the forefront of innovation