If you would like to keep up with the activities of the French Geological Survey, subscribe to the BRGM Infos newsletter now. Issue Number 62 was published in October 2023.
24 October 2023
BRGM Infos newsletter - overview of issue No. 62.
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BRGM Infos is a monthly electronic newsletter that brings you all the latest news from the French Geological Survey.
Issue No. 62 contains articles on the following topics:
- Critical metals: BRGM signs a partnership agreement with Mongolia
- Nouvelle-Aquitaine: a renewed commitment to the coastline
- Groundwater tables on 1 October 2023
- BRGM Editions publishes its 2024 catalogue
- Mineral resources inventory: BRGM mobilised
- Montagne Pelée becomes a UNESCO World Heritage Site
- Etc.
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