BRGM Formation has more than 20 years' experience in vocational training in the geosciences and offers short, innovative, hands-on programmes. More than 70 courses are available.
6 August 2024
BRGM Formation 2024 catalogue.

BRGM Formation 2024 catalogue.


A range of training courses covering every field of geoscience

As a renowned public institution specialising in Earth Science applications, as well as being a key consultant for industry, the scientific community and public authorities, BRGM has been passing-on its knowledge and know-how, both locally and internationally, for more than 20 years via its training branch, BRGM Formation.

BRGM Formation:

  • provides over 70 training courses for design and engineering offices, industry, government departments and agencies, regional and local authorities, etc.
  • has 150 trainers, committed to imparting their knowledge and know-how and motivated by the desire to share and exchange with all audiences: research engineers and technicians with expertise in geology, geotechnics, hydrogeology, geophysics, geochemistry, modelling, and environmental issues.

BRGM Formation offers a range of short training modules and complete training paths, in both face-to-face and remote-learning sessions and through e-earning modules.