BRGM, the French geological survey, provides support to national and local authorities. It publishes its guidelines for supporting public policy-making for 2025.
10 September 2024
Cover and extracts from BRGM's 2025 public policy-support guidelines.

Cover and extracts from BRGM's 2025 public policy-support guidelines.


BRGM's public-policy support programme is drawn up on the basis of general guidelines laid down by the French Public Services Steering Committee (CNO - Comité National d’Orientation), an umbrella organisation for BRGM's supervisory ministries, as well as ministries responsible for areas in which BRGM intervenes.

BRGM's public-policy support programme for 2025 includes expert assessments, specific monitoring and studies for the development of products, processes and services for the government, local and regional authorities, agencies with specific mission objectives and other public institutions.

Six strategic guidelines

BRGM's public-policy support programme is based on six guidelines:

  • Improving knowledge of the subsurface and developing a geological infrastructure
  • Engaging in energy transition
  • Consolidating the rational, sustainable and responsible management of primary and secondary mineral resources
  • Better integrating risks to ensure sustainable spatial planning
  • Sustainably managing water resources
  • Managing the geoscientific and environmental data cycle

Find out more about these guidelines below, illustrated by examples of actions planned for 2025 and recent achievements.

Guidelines for supporting public policy-making for 2025