The SPIRAL project (2024-2026) aims to reduce the impact of landslides by adopting a joint cross-border protection strategy that will improve forecasting, prevention and crisis preparedness.
4 June 2024
Former landslide at Pleysse (Eaux-Bonnes).

Former landslide at Pleysse (Eaux-Bonnes).


Issues and needs

The SPIRAL (Stratégie PYRénéenne d'Avis de décLenchement de mouvements de terrain) project aims to reduce the impact of landslides:

  • by adopting a joint cross-border protection strategy to improve forecasting, prevention and crisis preparedness,
  • by strengthening cooperation and technology transfer between universities, research centres and the user community (local and regional authorities, infrastructure managers and the local population).

The SPIRAL project has been 65% co-financed by the European Union through the Interreg VI-A Spain-France-Andorra Programme (POCTEFA 2021-2027). The aim of POCTEFA is to strengthen the economic and social integration of the Spain-France-Andorra border area.

The Commissariat de Massif des Pyrénées and the Occitanie Regional Environment, Planning and Housing Directorate (DREAL) are also supporting the SPIRAL project.

Expected results

The project aims to: 

  • develop a regional early warning system for ground movements (tLEWS) based on an inventory of events and on characterising factors that trigger landslides (precipitation in particular). The role of earthquakes in triggering landslides and of the aggravating impact of forest fires on these phenomena, will also be considered.
  • assess the risk of landslides for urban areas and infrastructure, and propose a Pyrenees-wide risk management strategy at regional and local levels. On the French side, the Viella and Gourette pilot areas have been targeted.

The tools and guidebooks developed to improve landslide resilience in the Pyrenees will be transferable to other regions.

BRGM’s role

BRGM is in charge of the project's communication activities. It is involved in developing the Pyrenean landslide database (for superficial and major landslides). It will develop statistical approaches for assessing susceptibility and studying the triggering of landslides in the Pyrenees. It is involved in installing geotechnical instruments on pilot sites for the main landslides in France and contributes to the development of risk management strategies at the regional level.


The project involves partners that are experts in risk characterisation and management. It brings together the geological surveys (BRGM and ICGC), the Andorran research and innovation centre (AR+I), a risk and mobility research body (Cerema) and a representative from the academic world (UNIZAR, University of Zaragoza). It also involves local, regional and national players from the 3 countries, that are specialised in risk assessment and management (government departments, local authorities, civil defence in particular).

Partners of the SPIRAL project.

Partners of the SPIRAL project.


Main partners

  • ICGC - Institut Cartogràfic i Geològic de Catalunya
  • BRGM - Bureau de Recherches Géologiques et Minières - Direction Régionale Occitanie Toulouse
  • UNIZAR - Universidad de Zaragoza - Ciencias de la Tierra 
  • Cerema - Centre d'étude et d'expertise sur les risques, l'environnement, la mobilité et l'aménagement du territoire - Occitanie
  • AR+i - Andorra Recerca i Innovació
Associated partners of the SPIRAL project.

Associated partners of the SPIRAL project.


Associated partners

  • ICGC :
    • Diputación foral de Guipúzcoa
    • Conselh Generau d’Aran
    • Direcció Gral de Protecció civil (Gencat)
    • Ferrocarrils de la Generalitat
  • BRGM :
    • Préfecture - Service Interministériel de Défense et de Protection Civile de la Préfecture des Hautes-Pyrénées (SIDPC65)
    • Commune des Eaux-Bonnes
    • Conseil Départemental de la Haute-Garonne (CD31)
    • Université Gustave Eiffel (UGE) Département GERS -Laboratoire SRO
    • Mountain Landform Research
    • Service de Restauration des Terrains de Montagne (RTM) de l'Office National des Forêts (ONF)
  • UNIZAR :
    • Acciona generación renovable S.A.
    • Aramon Montañas de Aragón S.A.
    • Geoparque del Sobrarbe
    • Confederación Hidrográfica del Ebro (CHE)
    • Gobierno de Aragón
  • Cerema :
    • Direction Régionale de l’Environnement, de l’Aménagement et du Logement (DREAL) de la région Occitanie / Direction des risques naturels (DRN)
    • Direction Départementale des Territoires des Hautes-Pyrénées (DDT65)
  • AR+i :
    • Govern d’Andorra – Protecció Civil
    • Govern d’Andorra – Territori i habitatge